Like your male counterpart, you are exceedingly hard to pin down in a way that lends itself to an easy characterization of your sign. Those close to her know how easily she can be hurt and that she'll go to great lengths to help those in need. Leo and Cancer also have nothing elementally or modally in common, being in adjacent signs of the zodiac, so they may have a hard time relating and connecting romantically long-term. These are times that friends, family, and loved ones should give them some space and remind themselves she's also very loving, caring, and protective. They are always interested in you, and have a knack of ~getting~ exactly how you truly feel, even when you dont say it out loud. WebOut of 7 billion people in the worldI only need you: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces. More than likely, their family will be large, toothe more, the merrier! Cancer women are the caregivers of the zodiac. This card depicts a balanced and benevolent warrior, riding off on a journey or battle, with poise and calm. Sensual, passionate, and super in tune with their bodies, On the other hand, they can be insecure, manipulative, and vindictive. If she says shes going to do something, trust that shell stay late and make it happen doggedly putting her nose to a grindstone until she has it completed. This innovation was created by psychological astrologers to match sign affinities to related house topics. That being said, Cancer natives will tend to blend best with water signs and earth signs; and may need to work harder on relationships with fire signs and air signs. If one were to be suffering from inflammation, irritation, or dehydration, this lunar plant contains moistening mucilage, a gel that cools and lubricates the respiratory and digestive tract. Cooking, homemaking, nurturing, and caregiving come naturally to them, and they love being around family, children, and animals. N for nourishing Cancer women can be crabby but tend to avoid confrontations. The positive traits of people born under this sign include loving, sympathetic and imaginative. A Cancer womans home often feels womb-like, with lots of soft fabric hung about, and not many sharp edges. They often feel betrayed or hurt if someone does not meet their expectations. If, however, you need space and privacy, then commiserations. They want to be as close and connected with those they love and like as possible. The most protective of all, Cancers are not good with insults and criticism. Now bear with me here. As a Pisces woman, you're the type of person who is equal parts sweet and terrifying. Rummage in thearchives hereor exploremy books. Positive & Negative Pisces Personality Traits Finally, Cancer is incredibly loyal, sometimes to a fault. For example: Venus in Cancer will approach relationships and express affection protectively. The third house was also called the house of the goddess by classical astrologers, meaning it was connected to the nocturnal passage into the mysteries of sleep, dreaming, and regeneration that the moon ruled over. As a Cancer rising, you're ruled by water, and your ruling planet is the They may do this through art and music in preschools and elementary schools. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Others can have difficulty handling their up and down mood swings. Zodiac 1 Pisces Woman - Selfless, Escapism, Idealism, Affection, Strength. Emotional, intuitive, and practically psychic; ruled by the moon and characterized by the crab, Cancer has so much going on in its watery depths. Cancer, being a quite intense sign, is not intimidated by Scorpios deep and moody nature. Online dating was a setback for the Cancerian sign - their greatest strength is pulling socially, but hey, times change. Every Sign has positive and negative energies. People whore totally led by their intellect, logic, or rationality; who make everything about whats true, known, proven or scientifically possible. A Cancers good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and dont be surprised if these folks get emotional about things. He has sensed the situation before anyone telling him. They are the archetypal mothers of the zodiac, who are nurturing, supportive, and kind, but also emotionally sensitive and ferociously self-protective. A Cancer woman is incredibly loyal, but she can also be clingy, needy, and possessive. Strong. It is her source of comfort and rejuvenation, and it is where she goes to ground her spirit and replenish herself on a soul-level. Of all zodiac signs, sensitive Cancer may find the volatile and impulsive fire signs the trickiest to relate to. They prefer quality, each and every time." Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Aquarians are sometimes so set in their ways, they can be unyielding and frustrating. Capricorn It also contains soothing, mucilage ingredients that help make coughs more productive. As far as gift giving, its usually best to just find out her size, make note of the brand and style she favors, and just surprise her with new versions of the exact same thing when the day to let go of the old one finally arrives. Motherhood is an instinctive characteristic for these women, should they choose to pursue it but even if not, Cancers often have very special relationships to their own mothers. The Crab may often find they are soothing Geminis frayed nerves and may have a hard time keeping up with their mental chatter. Family, be that chosen or biological, are all important to Cancer, yet these natives need to beware of a tendency to be clannish, exclusive, and slow to trust outsiders. A potential pitfall presents if they are too much alike and struggle for control, or if they are having an intense mood at the same time. 40 Quotes About the Zodiac Sign Cancer You'll Surely Like By contrast, the moon, with its swift movement around the zodiac every month, was associated with shorter, more local travel, around ones village or neighborhood. Aquarius with Cancer is potentially a challenging match. The zodiac is split into four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. Theyre not much for true confessions, unless youre the one doing the confessing. Linda Goodman, What goes on in a Cancer head is very different from what they let you to the world. Unknown, Theres a touch of Moon madness in every Cancerian. These are where some of the maternal qualities of the moon were observed to be at work, giving the moon in Cancer a special potency and divinity while at home in the Crabs sign. WebCancer Traits, Personality, & Characteristics. Cancer natives have great sympathy for the underdog and the downtrodden, and though usually quiet and peaceable, their claws come out when protecting the vulnerable. Should they work in an office or modern building, they will add cozy elements to their workspace to make it feel homier. Their section of the staff room, or office refrigerator, will be brimming with snacks, teas, and their favorite flatware so that they feel nourished and prepared for their day. We hope you are enjoying AstrologyBay! Well, opposite attract and thats true here. Thank you! The key concept for Cancer is These ladies dont really date around they might flirt wildly, but once in a relationship, they prefer to stay bonded like glue to one person. A desire for idealism and strict requirements to others make representatives of this sign vulnerable. Cancer signs may seem prickly and standoffish at first meeting, once they make the decision to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life. They may enjoy keeping this passion on an intimate, home-based level, or it could take form in roles as fine food merchants, restaurateurs, chefs, caterers, bakers, or even as servers or hosts. He simply gathers, absorbs, reflects. Linda Goodman, Cancers are good-hearted. Ruled by the Moon, they are passionate, creative, secretive, intuitive, and caring. Funny, passionate, insightful, adventurous and indulgent, they know how to have a good time. You never know Sex with a Cancer woman is deeply intimate and as encompassing as the salty sea. Mullein is traditionally a Saturnian plant that offers the medicine of antipathy to the damp, congested conditions that Cancer can suffer from. It can hint at boredom and stagnancy that can come from feeling emotionally dull, or unmotivated. It is a known cramp and pain reliever for the moon-cycle, which can be potent for moon-ruled Cancerians. Pairing Capricorn and Gemini is like pairing up Yoda with Tinker Bell. Most Cancer signs have been called psychic at some point, and with good reasonCancer can often intuit relationships, ideas, and motivations before anyone has actually spoken. Upright, it is an encouraging card, that bodes well for acts of determination, courage, and emotional strength. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)right to your inbox. Cancer with Cancer is a natural, peas in a pod type of fit, where they share many similar values and needs. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Just like real crabs. Linda Goodman, Most of the Cancerians you meet will be sober. Learning to voice opinions, even if it leads to conflict, is a lifelong lesson for Cancer. We could see this expression take form in social work, and also in roles as therapists and counselors. Cancers will go to the ends of the earth and even against their own beliefs to help someone they love. Ruled by the moon, Cancer is in polarity with the cardinal earth sign Capricorn. You are a ~feeler~ as much as a thinker, and you respect intuition and gut feelings. To get an idea of the classic Cancerian personality traits and types, we need only to look to some of the most famous crabs (the signs symbol): Princess Diana, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Solange Knowles, Nicole Scherzinger, and Lindsay Lohan. The crab and the sea-goat make an unusual pair, because Cancer is all creative and emotional whereas Cappy is all down-to-business and obsessed with practicalities. Finding Your Birth Chart Compatibility for Marriage. Got more questions about the zodiac as a whole? Libras social and artistic world doesnt seem to overlap much with Cancers private life, but they could come together as co-hosts of beautiful and intimate dinner parties. Their name says it all: C for caring They are also vigilant about protecting themselves, learning the importance of strong emotional and energetic boundaries from a young age. Without it, nothing that takes a material form could stick together. Therefore, a Cancer women's traits are influenced by the swing and sway of their emotions. The ease, familiarity, and trust they inspire allow those who meet them to open up in quickly, saying to the Cancerian I feel like I could tell anything or Its like Ive known you my whole life. This uncanny quality serves the Crab natives well in their roles and professions, which usually have some healing or nurturing aspect to them. I know you, like all of us, have to endure people not doing what you want etc but, heck, when someone disputes how you feel or what happened to you personally it literally BURNS. Emotions. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It's not uncommon for Cancer to fall into committed love after just a few days or weeks, and even though that decision is sudden, it can easily last a lifetime. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. The Crab is above mind games and hates the thrill of the chaseif you love someone, why not say it now? They are sure to have a lot of fun together and will enjoy decorating their home to create a nurturing ambiance. These emotionally sensitive ladies like to have a place to return to for solitude after braving the public for any length of time. Shell kiss your scratches and rub them with healing salve, and in return you can dab away the tears running down her moony cheeks as shes often overcome by emotion in the midst of impassioned lovemaking. Whats the Meaning of The World Tarot Card? As the emotional heart of the Zodiac, this sign teaches everyone else that, while there's so much in life that we may not be able to see, we should still pay attention to the unseen because it does existand we do need it!