Pray that God will soften his heart and change him for the better. Your warmth is my hope and my refuge. He wont tell me it my daughter where he lives and sought a lawyer. Eternal God, I seek your power today to defeat the devil. We ask you dear Lord to deliver our husbands from the power of darkness. Thank you for stopping by here. I forgave my husband and still do for his sinful nature. My husband is not only negative towards me but our children as well, he makes us everyone feel worthless and useless, never gives us credit for anything we do, nothing we do is satisfactory for him. Prayer to Break the Legal Rights of the Demons. I prayed 2years to get rid of this problem. I know he loves me, please keep him away from her. Take care of yourself first before it is too late and Satan won for the OW to be with your husband who is now a widow. Required fields are marked *By posting your comment, you agree to the submission agreement. But do not let anyone know what you are doing. God also gave Solomon what he did not ask for both riches and honor. These prayers are powerful because they are backed by scripture. A Prayer of Light Light, dear light. I pray God removes the desires he and this woman has and they quit seeing each other. Im going through trials and tribulations right now. Please help me with my marriage, my husband is treating me badly, l am being emotionally abuse by him he is never happy with me and the kids we cant even watch the TV together, he doesnt talk to me or look at me, please God give me strength to face all the challenges l face on a daily basis, it is very hard to leave like that l dont know if I should just leave him, l know that his seeing the other woman, and l kept quiet about it because every weekend he is telling me he is working but his is not working he goes to the other woman. After removing dark energies, and closing dark portals, it is vital to offer a spiritual shield of protection prayer. Please save me from my enemies and their evil ways. Until I stopped and listened to the lies of the enemy. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Here is going to start working. He got on his knees an begged me to forgive him an take him back he said he will e-mail her in front of me to end it he e-mailed her an told her it was over she replied sounds perfect hope your happy with you an yours. Yet tells me she will never go away. I was hoping you could help me see the true identities of those who are in my life and let me know who is in my life for the right reasons because you placed them there. 5. powerful prophetic prayers that break curses and spells and release favors 6. XXX is causing me additional stress in my life, and I do not believe that they are in my life because of you. Please brethren pray for my husband as he and his family have been under quite a many generation under extreme narcissism, addictions and lack of repentance. Have you had someone attach themselves to you that you maybe would like to go away and not come back? See my blog post Praying for Others. They can be prayerful and philanthropy but yet has a wicked spirit. May Gods love surround all of us who have cheating husbands and may the holy spirit comfort us and give us strength. Go to part 1 of the house cleansing prayer and do the ten steps before doing the spiritual warfare house cleansing prayer. We pray the conviction of the Holy Spirit will come upon them and that they will confess their sins and repent. Amen. When dealing with dark energies, sometimes it causes so much stress that your inner spirit can fragment or can be referred to as a fractured spirit/soul. I suspect he is with another woman. 3. Lord God of Hosts, you hold everything together my marriage is in you. Dissolve, this night. They asked Christ why, and He told them this kind doesnt come out except by fasting and prayer. May you feel the peace & love of God invading your hearts, minds, and souls. And since Im not an addict he stayed sober until the deaths into our 13th year. Life in the World Unseen by Anthony Borgia. My husband is also an alcoholic. It is time to question and deal with all the invisible barriers and obstacles limiting you from becoming the best of God's plan for your life. father thank you for my Husband`s mind is guided daily with your word, producing the efficacy of your word in all round about him and cause an explosion of your grace like never before in his mind, life,business,family and job. After many promises to our 2 daughters and myself of not leaving ever again. Hi Jean! In the name of Jesus Christ amen! Father we are crying out to you. That way, you may win your unbelieving husband over without a word. Just bought your book, 40 Days Fasting and Praying for your husband. I ask you to change my husbands thought pattern making it into the things of you. I believe most make poor choices especially while younger and exploring. I prayed the prayer for both my husband & I. I need it most because he has to see Jesus in me. Here are some general tips on how to pray for your husband: Only God can change a heart, so its important to pray that your husband will be drawn near to Him. Daniel 10:2-3 "At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. In 1 Peter 3:1-2, wives are told to be submissive to their husbands and to show them respect, not only when they are watching, but also when they are not. I think of and pray for her. In Jesus name, Amen. Prayer for Reconciliation with My Husband. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pray. Though I have tried to change the outcome, each time I am with them, the same things happen. Amen." Used to confirm your prayer submission. Ladies, for all of us who are dealing with cheating husbands, our hearts are aching. Some healings must occur by the power of Heavenly Father. All saints of heaven, come to our aid. And that allowed cracks to seap into my marriage for Satan to come and do his will with my husband again. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for every member of my family. May your husband be drawn nearer to God and experience the joy of a relationship with Him. Protection Prayer to Remove An Evil Person From Your Life "Dear God, I Pray You to fill (Person's name) life with all the happiness and fulfilment, So that he/she can live with satisfaction. May God break the hold of this woman on my husband. I made THE biggest mistake of my life divorcing Blake. This is so good. Heavenly Father, we ask You in the name and through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, build a hedge of thorns around my Husband. Through the blood of the lamb, I destroy the works of every witch, warlock, wizard, sorcerer, and all other powers of darkness. Would it be possible to talk to someone regarding my bizarre symptoms in my kitchen? I have been praying for Gods Will be done and praying God remove her out of our life. It says that plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they inevitably succeed. Do you really trust God for today, tomorrow and forever? He hasnt always been like this, hes a negative minded person, but it wasnt always towards his family, he doesnt make our house feel like a home. Show him the way. Lord we give it all to you. Have lost him as well. Father, I ask for your overflowing mercy upon my beloved husband in Jesus name. He will never fail you or reject you. He says he feels confused about our marriage. Difference Between Psychosis And Schizophrenia. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. We know you are in control of every situation. Sometimes I pray that God should punish him and all the men who cheat on us there wives. Not just praying while the while the prodigal is gone, but when he comes back too. Loving faithful and cherished his wife. Sister thanks for this prayer empowered with word of God, I too pray few of these verses over my husbands mind. We'll share your prayer with others around the world. Accordingly, learn these spells: Due to a spell your husband can turn into a different person. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. I never do wrong, behavior and attitudes with the elder generation enabling the younger and anyone who does not follow suit, is the bad apple, black sheep, problem and object of blame. See it here: However, if you are interested in the different categories, I include these definitions on my terms page list. One of the best things you can do for your wicked husband is to be an example of Christ-likeness. Block him some how from her. No weapon formed against our marriages will prosper. I address these questions at the following blog post link. She destroyed my marriage and then broke his heart. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to assign Your holy angels to protect me from any strategies of darkness designed to oppose this prayer for freedom. Please pray for our marriage and that his mind and heart would turn from other women and he would only have love and desire for me. You are defeated and your men are destroyed. Bible-Based Prayer for Angry Spouse from Old Testament Scriptures Psalm 37:8-9. In Jesus name, Amen. If anyone experiences the below symptoms and is not experiencing resolution through medical . I pray for you and the same for my family. Lord, I place my husband before You knowing You will make him new in his thoughts. You can also learn prayers to rid of bad spirits so you can experience healing too. I still have the entity attaching itself and touching me day in day out its really effecting my mental health I have even burned sage and nothing! Send the angels to war on my behalf and handle any demonic powers that we cannot handle. I pray you will continue finding your healing in the Lord. Im trying to reconcile everything with him so that our family can be whole again. If you could drop our names and situation in your church prayer request. (Ro.12:2). I have no clue what happened. Most of the relationships are over, but he seems to always have another woman or find another woman. Help to rebuild our union. Thank you so much for wonderful article. hough your husband may not deserve it, the Bible commands us to show respect towards him. Convict him and enable him to stand against the wiles of the devil when an attack is made upon his mind. Here are some tips on how to deal with a wicked husband, according to the Bible: The first and most important thing you can do for your wicked husband is to pray for him. You are one step away from having your prayer submitted to Churches, shrines, prayer groups and prayer chains all around the world. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Dealing with a wicked husband can be very difficult and dangerous, so praying for Gods strength and protection is important. In the mighty name of Jesus. Right now he is having an affair with another woman in the Caribbean. I ask that you guide my way back to you and in doing so, cast out of my life all people who would distract me from my real purpose of serving you, God Above. We are crying out to you Father to break demonic strong holds on our spouses. The first one is that your husband breaks the affair when you pray. She says someone has put a curse or something on her. Evil spirits causing delay in my destiny, I bind you and cast you out of my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ. She stalked and pursued him for a long time even when he said no. He had mental breakdown and I hospitalized him and that is when I learned he and she committed adultery and she dumped him to go to yet another coworker. No matter what situation you and your husband are facing, know that God is always with you. Amen! I also pray that you will keep him from being tempted in the first place. First seek Jesus and learn if your heart is close to the eyes of Jesus.. Love all people no matter what. According to one of the saints, the mere mention of the name of Jesus is like a whip on the backs of the demons who try to whisper and tempt us. God bless you. Remove all the drugs. Prayer for Deliverance from Evil Lord, you are all powerful, you are God, you are Father. See my blog post, Prayers to Heal a Fractured Spirit, to learn more about reuniting a fractured spirit. Please pray for my safety and that of my children and grandchildren! We were doing a good job shielding our son so the dark spirit could not enter him, but at that time, we did not understand the problems they could cause from a distance. All in all hes going to have to pay me big time. This is a great promise to claim when praying for our husbands. Why use a pendulum ? They consider their relationship with You as top priority and what You say in Your Word is final. Is there a link to download it? May he true, noble, right, pure, lovely 4. Ask Him what He wants you to do every day while you are waiting for your marriage to be restored by His divine power. For hostile attachment prevention tips, see my blog titled, How to Prevent Dark Entities. 48. For who is able to govern this great people of yours? 1 Kings 3:7-9. Father, I thank you for upholding my life and destiny from the eye of evil marauders who are seeking to destroy it, in the name of . Yes, people can change so much when afflicted by negative entities, they dont act the same. Soul fragmentation can occur when a dark being knowingly or unknowingly leaves a small fragment of their spirit when they pronounce a curse upon their victim. Another option for you to keep prayers like these close by, would be through my books (kindle or Paperback). Protection from the Evil One Prayer Dear Father, I seek Your protection from the wickedness of the evil one. Malicious attachments understand the heart is central to convert a person to the way of darkness rather than light, as explained in the following words: Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. He has cameras in the house and one day I happen to sneak up on him and on the camera I saw a woman in the house sitting at the dining room table, and when I asked who she was, he said it was the maid, and proceeded to curse me out. He is possessed by her. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. However, remember that God is always willing to help us, and He wants nothing more than for us to be happy and free from harm. Let your will be done. Please lift my marriage, my husband Pedro, my kids and myself in prayer. Guide them in this regard Holy Spirit. #2: The evil of the world will not come your way my king. He discovered that exactly half, 28 out of 56, were healed of their physical or mental illnesses by getting rid of dark entities (New Testament term is casting out). Thank you, Alot has gone on in our lives these past 9 months. In the name of Jesus Amen. This is a great promise to cling to when praying for our husbands. That is, the Holy Spirit troubles his mind and conscience until he regrets his immoral affair, and move away. Signs of Dark Entities Including Demons, how to get rid of negative energy at work, how to get rid of negative energy attached to you, how to get rid of negative energy in your body, Children Left Mormonism Surprised What I Learned About My Religion, Spiritual Shield Protection Prayer -Powerful Shielding Safeguard,,, 5 Short Daily Prayers- Short Spiritual Protection Prayer, Role of Dark Beings- Negative Entities| A Plan to Progress, You Have the Ability- Without Depending on Another Person. Many people contact me feeling alone, misunderstood, and desperate as they fight the battle against evil beings. You need to think about that the next time you are chasing after them. The Lord was pleased by Solomons request and because he did not ask for a long life or wealth for himself, God granted his request. her roommate & boyfriend does tarot cards and things dealing with that also. Some hostile attachments do not respond to the creator of the existence where we reside. We are believing that you will remove all these women from our husbands lives as far as the east is from the west. "Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." (Psalm 119:165, KJV) God often removes a person from your life for your protection. We plead the blood of Jesus to cancel all commands of the powers of darkness in (my loved one's) life. Im taking care of my 3 young granddaughters because my daughter is overseas till the end of Nov. Then I have my husband who has health issues. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. On that day when I revealed to my wife about my issue, it didn't settle too well with her. That every satanic spirit in our husbands lives is destroyed. I pray that he will be drawn closer to You. For more details and directions, see my post about Soul Fragmentation. Is there any psalms to read to rid the other women and woman away from my husband so he will not have a wandering eye.? and believe trust God will do change his heart, salvation. in the name of Jesus. Its a ringing noise in her ear and just has random outburst she is totally not the same person she will randomly yell out in the name of Jesus in the blood of Jesus she has always been so spiritual so this is why is so weird to me!! Hated his job but wouldnt change. He is retired and has a house in another country, which he travels to quite often. However the woman seduced my husband into leaving me. Lord, give my husband the power to resist the devil and overcome every temptation. This man my husband when he returned home started praying and reading his bible daily. He has also had this OW on and off in our lives for over 2 years now. Remove A Love Spell From My Husband. It was causing problems from a distance. Remove A Love Spell From My Husband, Often your marital relationship suffers the brunt of jealousy and hatred. What Is Evil Eyes ? Lord Jesus Christ by faith I forgive these people who are coming against You, me, and Your will through witchcraft. This is a question that many wives ask. Please keep my husband and I in prayer he is always in his head overthinking allowing the enemy to enter ..and says words that cannot be taken back ..i pray for him to trust me and remove fear from our marriage .. Praying for you both! I use the following words to heal the heart: By the power of Jesus Christ (or the name you refer to as God), I command all unholy desires and fears, including all negative emotions, to be removed from _________________s heart(s) and replaced with the light of God. Praying this for my husband, lost son and nephew!! Here is the sample battle prayer: 1. We had an experience where we were praying for a bad spirit to leave our son, but it continued to cause havoc. Hi my husband is seriously lying and cheating on me and its hurting me. I am strong in You Lord. Flee to the isle of Chittim! The ways of the world will tell you the only way is through divorce or to give up.. Dont listen. My husband drank and kept running to this evil snake killing my soul, my trust, my heart. Prayer To Remove Demonic Harassment. I thank the Lord that Satan is defeated by the Blood of my Lord Jesus Christ. She dumped the other coworker and was now once more attacking my marriage. Now he did not say no and he left me for this woman. Im confused whether its spiritual Im nature. Thank you for this blog post. Psalm 37:3-6. Please grant me the wisdom and foresight to know this and act accordingly. He is possessed by her. He has threatened me on several occasions. I will be praying this over both my husband and myself. It will preserve your marriage. Both of those will help get you in the Scriptures and provide powerful prayers for very specific emotional and spiritual needs. I dont but I am going to be writing more blogs on this subject because there are quite a few interested in more information. We started going to marriage counseling an working on our marriage, a week ago I found e-mails between them he lied an told me it was completely over when there relationship never ended. No matter what he does or how he treats you, always show him love and kindness. I enter boldly into your throne of grace and i recieve mercy for all my short comings and grace to overcome in Jesus name. In 1 Kings 3, the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream. Hes never approached him nothing.i need him as much as I need God. My husband and I have been together 21 years. Ive know my husband 17 years now, and we had a beautiful relationship filled with love hope and dreams. I wanted to prove so badly that my husband was still cheating. To be the husband to me God wishes. I am currently struggling very hard to remove dark energies, demons and I wondered if you ever do a one to one call to get some more advice and help. The Bible itself wants us to stay away from negative people. God doesnt send people to harm you. I didnt even used to believe there were demons or dark entities, but God taught me differently when dark entities began to personally affect my life. I wrote a blog post about. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. NLW only wants to use my kids as a way to torture me and attempt to maintain control in my life, but I beseech God and pray that NLW Is removed from our lives with haste. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Father, we know those who live according to sinful nature have their minds set on what nature desires. I am including a link to this blog below: We were very much connected. Please soften my husbands heart toward me I know he is really hurting. Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals.. What most married women go through is enough to lay curses on their husband and the evil woman. Ask God to give you the wisdom to deal with your husband and the strength to persevere through difficult times. The Bible tells us in Colossians 1:9 that we should never stop praying for our husbands to be filled with the knowledge of Gods will. He was gone for a total of 7 months. The Bible says in James 4:8 that if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I pray to remove this heroin addict from my life. Im begging for help to destroy their relationship. he ignored it. To keep thee from the evil woman, From the flattery of the tongue of a strange woman. In Jesus name I ask this of you! They can offer guidance and prayer support and may even be able to help your husband see the error of his ways. Wisdom is both the ability to discern what is best and the strength of character to act upon that knowledge. Should this be May he be true, I pray and join in praying for others in my situation that God would break strongholds, turn my husbands heart towards Him and bring back love and not hate in his heart for me. I lnow God has got us in Jesus name. Father, I thank You for revealing the evil lustful spirits, attempting to drive me to lust. I was wrong for holding that secret from her. I am a desperate and sickly person I love my husband but he has another woman in love with him they work together I just want her to go anywhere else but to work with him. And the man that committeth adultery with another mans wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbours wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. A simple prayer..Remove her from our life. Turn his head from her. I plead your protection over us and our marriage. Here is a link to a blog that explains how truth helps us heal: I pray for my husband who has been involved with a lady and even got a baby with her. Its been so hard. Prayer against all evil Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Satan you cant win this battle, because God is fighting for us. PRAYERS TO DIVORCE SPIRIT HUSBAND AND SPIRIT WIFE I break the power of spirit spouse over my life and marriage, in the name of Jesus. I know that he is tempted to sin, and I ask you to give him the strength to resist. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Gain ground by prayer.. and most of all ask JESUS of what tools of bible you need.. that way lost people can not lead you confused. The dark side hates light because it devours darkness and dark beings. "Heavenly Father, we come to you today seeking your protection and guidance. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 is a great reminder of how we should love our spouse, even if they are not showing us love in return. I been seeing free Attorneys and my husband is looking at 30 50,000 dollars in paying me and spouse support for 2 3 years I dont want the Divorce I want my husband back he is a alcoholic and she worked him big time but I am asking you pray with me.