Rating: PG-13 Summary: After the war, Harry meets Lucius Malfoy once more. Rating: NC-17 Harry looked away from him, afraid he'd give into temptation and kick the fucker in the face. Author: amanuensis Summary: Maeglin Yedis post-OotP challenge: How does Lucius escape, and how does he confront Harry afterwards. Summary: Harry is on the losing end of a bet. Author: amanuensis Author: luciusmistress Warnings: darkfic, underage LF Harry/Lucius fics : r/HPSlashFic - reddit Warnings: OOC Not knowing what else to do he puts Harry up for sale on a popular wizarding slave trade site. Rating: NC-17 Author: Hijja Summary: Harry makes a promise, and Lucius wants to see if he really means it. Mirror fic to Royal Flush Malfoys Side. Uncertainty* Summary: In which Lucius Malfoy has a thing for fit Quidditch players. Well and Truly Fucked Warnings: self-mutilation Keeping it from coming out is not that easy though, and when Draco comes to the house to beg for Harrys help in the upcoming trial of Lucius Malfoy, he has no other choice but to do as hes asked. Just Once, sequel to Kiss It Better Author: Sestra_Prior Author: keikokin Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: You will not say my name. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Warnings: mpreg Pairings: Harry/Snape, Harry/Lucius, Harry/Others Author:FoodTbTz It breaks them but not in the way you would think. Rating: NC-17 Da Mi Basia Mille Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Blaise Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Summary: When Harry sneaks into Hogwarts nether regions to spy on a visiting Lucius Malfoy, he has no idea what hes getting himself into. Warnings: non con, character death Warnings: underage (Harry is 13) Author: ldybastet Back At One* Rating: R Rating: NC-17 He isnt the Golden Boy everyone takes him for. Summary: As is to be expected. I Am Willing* Warnings: underage, major character death, A/B/O, dub con Author: SweetSorcery Summary: What does a fanfiction writer do when he/she is upset? Summary: Lucius loves riding horses. Warnings: dark!fic, AU Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Snape, Lucius/Snape, Lucius/Draco Everyone he thought of asking would have a problem with it, why did everyone have to have such a high opinion of him. Summary: How do you navigate a relationship when your magic knows better than your own head? Summary: When everyones convinced youre innocent, its so much easier to manipulate them. Author: keikokin Rating: R Rating: NC-17 How does he not get killed?Is he good at distracting? Desecrating is easy Summary:The satisfaction shown clearly in his eyes. Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Loose parody of A Christmas Carol. Sympathy for the Predators Summary:I dont think I ever realized how much they meant to each other until that day. Summary: After his imprisonment in Azkaban, Lucius Malfoy nearly loses the struggle for his sanity. Author: Anne Phoenix This Is Now. Is it any wonder why Harry doesnt love anyone with the example he was set? Spoils of War Warnings: non con, enslavement, BDSM, torture Summary: Its PWP. Warnings: AU, violence, incest, threesome, OOC Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco He picks Lucius Malfoy as the obvious worst choice. Summary: No summary provided. No Objections Voldemort is dead. Break My Fall Author: Nephir Draco does, too. Rating: NC-17 Why has Lucius had it watching from the sidelines? Rating: R Warnings: dubcon Warnings: crack!fic Behold the gradual degradation of morality. Phenomena Come Undone* Warnings: AU, OCC!Harry, creature!fic Author: Emo Mushroom Firedancer Summary: First the Fates weighted Harry Potter with adversity, then they gifted him with power. Warnings: underage, bloodplay, breath play, double penetration, violent sex Fait Accompli, sequel to Droit Du Seigneur Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Dementors Author: Prisioux Rating: Not provided Warnings: mpreg, OOC, character death Warnings: time travel Forbidden Fruit* Warnings: AU Summary: A caged bird will sing, if only to save his spirit. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Draco/Pansy Warnings: BDSM, original character Summary: Dont sneak out alone, Harry, they always tell him. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: BDSM, incest, voyeurism, threesomes, underage, violence Warnings: BDSM Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Other(s) Author: leela_cat Closer Harry finds his in a unexpected place. Author: leontinabowie Discretion Required Rating: NC-17 The Establishment Destination Unknown* Never Just a Shag, sequel to Just a Shag (alt: A Quick Shag) Summary:OS with LuciusxHarry and little Lucien. A Reward For Service Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry trains with Lucius against dark arts. Warnings: BDSM Shop Full Width; Shop With Sidebar; . For Draco Warnings: hypothermia Warnings: BDSM, daddy kink, double penetration, established relationship Summary: Ask a Malfoy a direct question, and you just might get a very direct answer. Warnings: minor character death, violence Author: Hainuwele Summary: When Lucius becomes a divorced man, him and Draco need a new home built. Rating: M Rating: NC-17 Author: Hijja Summary: Nothing Harry Potter did was ever simple, right? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Severus/Lucius Their Private Literature Author: SnapeRulesMaraudersDrool Rating: R Author:Jendra Author: SweetSorcery Running Battle, sequel to Battlefield Summary: Harry is changed, Snape lives, and Lucius ends up helping the Boy-Who-Lived more than any of them ever expected. Other Chambers, Darker Secrets* Summary:As Midsummer approaches, Harry has to decide whether to make a try at extending his and Luciuss temporary handfasting into a permanent oneor to trust that Lucius might try that himself. Well Always Have Stockholm Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Harry/Tom Riddle, Harry/Harem Lucius stands on the edge of the festivities and as he observes the guests his son has managed to convince into coming, his eyes invariably fall to Potter, now good friend to his son. Author: articcat621 Blank Space: You Belong With Me Redux Author: 1kinkyslytherin He thinks. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Harry/Rabastan Author:Bridgette_Hayden Very stream of consciousness. AO3. Author: reddwarfer Author: wickedblack Author: secretsalex Summary: After running from the wedding Harry must decide how to go on with life. Deceptions* Author: Bella4evr3 Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary:Harry resigns himself to a lonely Christmas, only to be surprised when his lover turns up on his doorstep. Rating: Not provided For some reason Im channeling Lucius in the first person. . Author:maraudersaffair Author: forestgreen (Erin LaCroix) Rating:T The Cost of Change* Author: Meet Me in the Dark Heart and Hearth Summary: Harry is caught between two evilsand takes them both. Rating: NC-17 Summary: When Sirius is declared innocent, his Will names Harry as his Heir, but Fudge finds a clause in Sirius will that even Sirius didnt know about. Rating: R Warnings: violence, mpreg Summary: In battle, lines blur. Summary: The war had finally ended. What will happen when feelings start to emerge between the pair? Afraid that his mates would not want the baby. Without Harry there, the Battle of Hogwarts went quite differently, and now, after several months as Lucius Malfoys personal pet, Harrys mind, body, and soul are quite different than they were as a schoolboy. and live with the consequences. But Severus has a secret of his own, and he decides to take matters into his own hands. Warnings: violence Rating: PG Author: Depraved Necromancer (BvinYa_Raama) It is filled with whispers carried by the wind; a whisper of something ghastly and beautiful. Summary: They think I love them, and that I dont know their affection is conditional. Happy Birthday Harry Warnings: PTSD, anxiety attacks They were brought before the Lord of the Manor, Lucius Malfoy. Summary: After tiring of using Draco and a Polyjuice Potion, Lucius finally gets his hands on the real Harry Just once before he hands him over. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Warnings: non con, object insertation Author: keikokin To see Harry Potter on his knees at the foot of your throne?. Rating: NC-17 Summary: The T.A.R.D.I.S lands on top of a Fracture in Time, a gap that allows four very different Harry Potter Universes a brief period of interaction. Harry has had such terrible luck in dating that he suspects he has a curse on him. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry and Lucius are happy in their Veela relationship, and although Draco is happy that his father is happy, he only wishes that he couldve had a better partner. Going to the Weasleys Unexpected Changes Author: rons_pigwidgeon Summary: Hermione finally knows where Harry keeps sneaking off to, its not what you think, or is it? Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Seamus (past), Harry/Lucius/OMC Summary:Lucius was never caught at the Department of Mysteries, but a pair of green eyes haunted him. Summary: Does this excite you, Potter? a hot voice hissed against the nape of Harrys neck. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Summary: Harry Potter is engaged to the love of his life and is getting married to them shortly after Christmas. Author: Stardind Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: M A Little More Pain Summary: With a flourish Lucius drapes a velvet crimson robe over Harrys shoulders, declaring the young man as his new lord. Warnings: femboy!Harry Two years after the war, and Lucius is back in a position of power as if he's never been gone. Clothed and Seeming* Place tongue firmly in cheek and read on to find out why. Dream-Pedlary* Warnings: non con Rating: NC-17 Summary: No summary provided. Author: leni_jess Lucius Stories - Wattpad Hidden Paths* When he reincarnates as Hadrian Peverell, he is an orphan living on the streets of London until one fateful day, the police find him and they give him a place in the Wool Orphanage. The Teacher Leads, and the Student Follows Author: Dinkel As Sharp As Sunlight by Amanuensis A squicky fate awaits our heroes after their defeat. Rating: M Summary: Harry wants Lucius to be his first. Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape Rating: NC-17 Author: Hijja The Joys of a Real Relationship Author: LadyWhiteRose2015 Summary:Lucius finally catches Harry and some interesting thoughts surface. But this time he wakes naked, on silk sheets, and wearing iron cuffs. Author: unbroken_halo Summary: Weakness makes fine cowards, yes, but it also makes brave heroes. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry Potter really was the last Horcrux. Author: ladyofsd From grief and sorrow came their friendship to each other, but with time came their love and bond to the other. Work Search: Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Rating: PG Did he mention it was also how he flunked Non-Fiction Writing 101? Warnings: bloodplay, breath play, BDSM, background character death, dark Lord Black has every right to have the marriage dissolved if no child is conceived. Author: gifted goofball Taming A Lion* Harry returns to Hogwarts to finish his education. Warnings:mpreg Rating: T An uninvited guest. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: BDSM, character death, non con, darkfic Dracos Dad Warnings: underage, major character death, A/B/O, dub con Warnings: mpreg, character death Author: Jade Rating: R Summary: Harry has what Lucius wants, Lucius can get what Harry wants. Summary: Harry becomes an unwilling landlord. Author: Herald of Dreams Summary: A Harry Potter meets his best friends father the summer before his second year. The Phone Call* Warnings: mpreg Lucius Malfoy is still Lucius Malfoy. Central Park Warnings: underage Rating: R Summary: Challange by Vincent Ayuru Ekholm, An abused damaged boy finds the ability to escape his life by shape changing. Rating: NC-17 Whore 2 AO3**| FFN Warnings: bit of violence Warnings: abuse, non con, violence Author: keikokin Author: softlysweetly Rating: NC-17 Author: la femme Author: Shuna Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Warnings: warfic Now they deal with more. Author: volume How Am I Doin? Rating: R Warnings: non con, extreme biting, psychological torture, ice play Warnings: character death Author: elfflame Summary: In which Harry falls victim to Lucius attempts at grieving and Draco punishes him for it. Warnings: D/s, toys Warnings: A/B/O, mpreg, intersex, male lactation, knotting, AU, infidelity And now, Walden Macnair carried his killer out of the ruins of the Riddle House (An alternative final battle against Voldemort and its aftermath). Dracos Surprise Author: Anne Phoenix A Nightly Encounter During The Triwizard Tournament Summary: Harry in all his unluckiness ends up in the past. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Warnings: gender change, dub con Lucius Malfoy had given up on his mate and gave into his father's demands of marrying Narcissa Black and give him an heir. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Lord Abraxas Malfoy weds his seventeen year-old omega son to Lord Cygnus Black, but after enduring five years in a dreadful marriage, Lucius has yet to give his lord husband a male heir. Persuasion* Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, dubcon, D/s, violence, slavery, torture, punishment Author: Lomonaaeren Author: Cut-Wrist Kate This blog do not endorse any specific themes listed below, and is not responsible for offended sensibilities. Author: Pastel_Pink_and_Peace_Signs Rating:M Loves Desperate Adventure Charlatan Father Warnings: dark!fic, mentions of multiple partners Refined Tastes Warnings: AU, OOC Summary: Harry wants some sort of protection as he reclaims Godrics Hollow before searching for Snape and the Horcruxes. Kings of the Wheel is named after a classic HPLM fic with the authorspermission. Author: Kamerreon Author: vlredreign (Maeglin Yedi), Two Evils* *nodnod*, Hopefully, making them earn their keep. She couldnt long for their acceptance; their protection against the abuse of both magical and muggle. When Harry and Severus become magically bound, they must find a way to navigate a world where their every feeling drives the other. Rating: PG Author: Dzien Author: amanuensis Was he still, after five years, the blondes enemy? Rating: NC-17 Remus and Severus get sneaky and help Harry find the man of his virgin dreamswith a bit of help from Draco and his fianc. Rating: PG-13 Tea With The King When you try to see the meaning, hidden underneath, the measure of the depth can be deceiving., Confidence* Warnings: underage, non magic AU, non con, character death, violence Warnings: violence, gore, dark!fic Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: underage, darkfic Summary:Harry is in a very loving relationship with Remus and get a very big surprise when Lucius Malfoy shows up to his door with two kids in tow. Rating: PG-13 Even if that child does not come from Cygnus Black. Summary:Happiness means a lot to people, more so to people who have never really felt it before. A Bittersweet Aftertaste Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Tom Riddle The Seventh Day of Christmas Author: melusinahp Defeating the Dark Lord was supposed to free the saviour. Author: Lux Summary: Harry left the wizarding world behind after defeating Voldemort. Say My Name, Say My Name* Rating: NC-17 Kiss Away My Pain Prequel of Goodbye Alice in Wonderland (WIP). Proof Enough, sequel to Well Always Have Stockholm Rating: G Summary: Drabble featuring implied Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius and Albus Severus/Scorpius. Author: keikokin Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Challenge: (223) Harry and Ron have a bet. Warnings: AU, darkfic, major chaarcter death, non con, torture, D/s Summary: Drabble to the word apocryphal an old fic based on a word challenge. Warnings: mpreg Summary: The only way to ensure you get what you want is by dreaming for getting it. Author: Hijja Will Harry ever find contentment under the roof of the Malfoys? Author: Vorabiza But if I have to be trapped in anothers body once more, none could be more fitting for me and more torturous for him than his.. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Youre Still My Man Summary:A massage allows two enemies what they need to relax. Warnings: non con Daddy Lucius Rating: Not provided Author: keikokin Im thinking of having the Boy who Lived entirely at my mercy.. Conjugal Visit Challenge: 49. After Harry and Voldemort's wands connect during the duel in the graveyard Harry's Parents' Ghost removed enchantments placed on both Harry and Voldemort, jump-starting Harry's Kitsune side and a quest to find all his mates. Warnings: infidelity Summary: 3 Months ago, my ex-lover and my father both pulled their heads out of their arses and got together, with help from me. Warnings: character deaths, darkfic Rating: NC-17 Author: lokifan Deadly Temptations Warnings: torture, non con Summary: Dumbledore decides that hes had enough of the Dursleys abuse and brings Harry to Hogwarts at age eight. But whose hair does Lucius want to use? Summary: Harry needs to tell Lucius something, but cant figure out how. Author: Rachel Author: knightmare Summary: After one year of service, Harry Potter is about to earn a place for himself. When forced into a sexual encounter, Lucius and Harry discuss the plausibility of an intimate relationship between them. Warnings: mpreg Rating: R Author: rainclowd Rating: M Summary: Harry learns something about past lives and the truth of his destiny. So what if this Potter had the power to be reincarnated over and over again and wreck havoc in every dimension? Rating: R For the Greater Good* Warnings: HPLM as side pairing/implied Author: keikokin Rating:NC-17 Author: Kamerreon Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Warnings: light bondage, PWP Summary: Severus Snape created the perfect submissive: beautiful, responsive, obedient to a fault. Author: julesmonster Of Withered Leaves and the Blessed Dark Author: scarletscarlet (ships_harry) Only is he being hit on by his lover but also his lovers son on how cute he is. Warnings: OS Warnings: D/s Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 No Desert* Obsession Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, HP Gen Rating: NC-17 Hes not ready. Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Tom Riddle Will he trust his lovers, or will his past anxiety from living with the Dursleys impede the need to find out what they have planned? Rating: NC-17 Author: BrianJustin4Ever Feathers of Black and White a Harry Potter Fanmix Rating: PG-13 Warnings: underage, darkfic, slavery, dubcon, torture, bloodsports, breath play, D/s, AU and one somewhat evil surprise. Rating: NC-17 Author: Sefiru Author: la femme Warnings: underage, mpreg, OOC Author: keikokin Summary: Harry discovers a new power while under the care of the Malfoys. Summary: Dictionary Drabble Challenge. Rating: R Held In Darkness* Summary:Harry is a disgrace to the Ministry galas and the new Ministerwho can be very charminghas coaxed him into taking dance lessons with Lucius. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Remus/Harry Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Author: Cluegirl Harry Potter was everything Snape never knew he wanteduntil the day Lucius Malfoy snatched him up with a snap of his fingers. Rating: NC-17 Author: Bloodied Scriptures Rating: NC-17 Author: Sorion Rating: NC-17 Author: Maeglin Yedi Tiger, Tiger Decision Warnings: non con, darkfic Author: George Pushdragon Just Tie a Knot* Rating: NC-17 Author: marksmom Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Draco Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Fenrir, Harry/Severus Warnings: AU, dub con Take the Money and Run Summary: Harry Potter has been a naughty student. The Malfoy Sense of Humour Summary: A Dictionary Drabble based on the word rudiment. Summary: The Final Battle is upon them, and Harry, as was preordained, came out victorious. Because He Loves Me Summary: A little look a life with Lucius and Harry. One Night Stand? Author: Hijja Mind Games* Author: SSDSnape Touch Defiles The Darkness Within Author: npetrenko Author: Anne Phoenix Author: keikokin He clings to his prophesied purpose, though, and knows he must stay alive to have a chance to fulfill it. Last Wishes Author: alafaye Master Warnings: BDSM, infidelity, whipping Not necessarily for the better. Seek And You Will Find* Rating: PG So he collects his new bride, the heir of the Black family (even if it isnt by blood). Blood and Soul Author: Maeglin Yedi I am thinking of pain and humiliation. Behind The Looking Glass Sanguine, a Serpent Knotted Sable Author: enchanted_nightingale Summary: Scenario 52 in the HP/LM FQF: Lucius uses Polyjuice to pretend he is Draco. Warnings: non con, torture, darkfic Harry is patient with everybody. Summary:When Harry makes the biggest mistake of his life he will need the help of Severus and Lucius to make things better. Author: Twisted Savior Summary: Draco is interested in Harry and invites him to the Manor but Harry is interested in Lucius. And, more importantly, what do they want? Summary: The full moon before Christmas they get a great surprise! Summary: Defeating the Dark Lord comes at a price, and Harry finds out too late just what that can mean. Butterfly* Summary: Challenge drabble: pairing and title provided. Lucius becomes enamored with Harry that hell do almost anything to please Harry. Time was against him. Severus wants to watch. No HBP. Author: ntamara Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Severus Having to completely rely on Lucius and translation charms aplenty in his meeting with the disgraced former French Minister, Harry is struck with the realisation of his ineptitude. Sequel: After the Tide has Turned Summary: Lucius Malfoy orders a new family tree tapestryimagine his surprise when a new name appears at the bottom. Three gifts for three days and three people traumatized by the couples sex life. Warnings: AU Wet nightmares. Author:IamSlytherin Author: Atropa/a_belladonna Summary:Harry Potter, known to himself as 00H, gets kicked out of Potions by an angry Professor Snape and spends the evening on an adventure in Hogsmeade. Warnings: non con, kink, pwp Author: aisling Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Rating: R Author: Anne Phoenix Thanks to Lucius Malfoy. Rating: PG-13 The makings of a bargain are laid on the table. Warnings: AU, darkfic, kinks He really needs to find his lover. Summary: Harry Potter never escaped Malfoy Manor after being brought there by the snatchers (though Ron, Hermione, and the rest did, taking Draco with them). Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author:Meatball Fight Or Flight When he finally dies, he wakes up in his ten year old body, a year before his Hogwarts letter is to arrive. Summary: Its Harrys birthday but somebody else gets the surprise. Author: Meet Me in the Dark Amnesia and a Love Triangle Warnings: underage, non con, slavery Summary: Draco is angry that his father will disown him if he doesnt behave. Rating: NC-17 Satin Author: Stella Hargrove Revenge* Or is it? Author: son-of-darkness I love you. Danger! Author: Random Dispatcher Some are easy and some arent. Summary: In which Lucius Malfoy has a thing for fit Quidditch players. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: creature!fic, Djinn!Harry, mpreg, non con, underage Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other Summary: Blaise disobeyed his Master. Rest Author: RainingTundraSnow88 Rating: NC-17 Authors comment: The first, longest, and one of the nastiest pieces Ive written for the HP universe. Rating: R Rating: M Rating: G Warnings: mpreg, character death Summary: As it tends to be with Malfoys, nothing is what it seems to be. Pairings: Lucius/Harry, other hinted relationships Harry/Lucius - Tripod Harry works in a gay club Cazzo and hes rather slutty. Summary: Lucius may be rotting in Azkaban, but he has one constant visitor. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Draco reminisces about a horrible encounter the teens had during their second year. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Fight, if you can win, flight if you cant. Written for JBCNA. When he finds the perfect companion, he comes to realise he got more than he bargained for. Rating: R Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus, Lucius/Harry/Severus Never let it be said that Malfoys don't make extravagant gestures for those they love. Author: purple mangosteen Pairings: Severus/Harry/Lucius AO3 |AS | AFF | Italian translation** + here** | French translation | Russian translation or here. Rating: NC-17 AO3 | DW | FFN A Costume Drama Harry Potter: Blessed By Fates A Means of Survival The Night With Stars Author: eowyns_elixure Repercussions of a Time Traveling Father Defining Harry Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: A new Dark Lord, a request and its consequences. Author: IBegToDreamAndDiffer Summary:Finding his loves strange fetish of him wearing women clothes goes farther then usual for a ball when he has to wear a dress. Warnings: female!Harry, forced marriage Author: Lomonaaeren Summary: Harry is just a quick shag for Lucius, but is that all Lucius is to Harry? Sequel:Devoted* Swan Future Imperfect* A Clock of Gold and Pearls Underneath Your Clothes* Rating: PG Summary: After running from the wedding Harry must decide how to go on with life. Warnings: BDSM, dubcon, OOC Author: keikokin Disagreement On the Carriage Rating: R Summary:Harry is done with the war. Summary: Harry is turned over to Lucius Malfoy as part of a peace treaty after the deaths of both Voldemort and Dumbledore. Warnings: veela!Lucius En Las Montaas Summary: Harry is approached by Lucius Malfoy just as he settles into his new and more relaxing work at the ministry; it leads to somewhat promising results. Rating: NC-17 Author: Shivani Harry Potter and the Detour To Heaven Author: inglus_mager FFN |AS | FA | AFF | Italian translation. Love Hurts Author: Anne Phoenix It process from there, began with lunch and dinner. Author:dudugodudugo In his final moments he tries to tell a special person why they were only ALMOST loved. Warnings: time travel, mpreg, tragedy I lived an amazing lifestyle, with a bougie apartment, sexy sugar daddies and a never ending closet!So when I woke up in the 15 year old body of Harry Potter the first thing I did was leave the ugly ass Dursley's to get a gig, afterall money always made things better While I plotted to win over my Harem of fictional male characters, because I am after all extremely thirsty . Warnings: underage, non con Warnings: mpreg 1. Rating: R Summary: The Final Battle is here, and Harry stands on the brink of damnation. He comes up with an idea to break it: date someone so terrible for him that the curse will give up. So Much For Discretion, sequel to Discretion Required