Arthur promises him and runs away in a panic. Ciel then informs him that the first-string members were kidnappers of children. [538], Subsequently, Ciel and Sebastian enter the aforementioned music hall, and descend hidden stairs to reach the room where Blavat had taken blood from the men. He prefers sweet things above all. Alone with Sebastian, Ciel wrings his hair, saying he was an idiot to believe in verbal promises. Sebastian put a hand to his chest bashfully. Rian informs him that he has a machine in his room that can shut the corpses down permanently. When Lau mentions Karnstein Hospital, Ciel recalls the Aurora Society and has Sebastian comb through the information collected and flag anything in which Aurora Society members play key roles. They then insult Georg in French. He asks her again, but she says that he would not understand even if she told him the reason. Irrefutably, he says, he would grow sick one day and pass away with the ring. While Edward watches over Elizabeth in a bedroom, Sebastian informs Ciel about his entrusting the blood he obtained from the facility to Sieglinde, and adds that he was not able to meet the four with the names of stars. When it is time to inspect Sebastian's body, Ciel staggers, claiming that seeing his butler's corpse so many times has a negative effect on him. [578], During their meeting, Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau determine that they must immediately leave the opium den in the Limehouse Districtas well as London in generalsince Arthur is aware of the ties between Ciel and Lau; and that the most discreet method of escape would be via boat on the River Thames, after which they would travel by train.[579]. Sebastian remarks that the ring is actually very important to Ciel and that he had only put on an ostentatious show of throwing it away for Elizabeth. [386] Ciel then calls Chlaus over to discuss his travels in Germany. The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. He is five foot tall as well as being 13. Interest piqued, she sent investigators to look into the event, but they, when questioned by Charles Grey and Charles Phipps, confessed that they have found nothing. [545], When Ciel asks Soma if he is hurt, Soma hits him across the face. "Ciel" laughs, promises not to scold him for his lies, and states that he is back. Although he questions how they have recognized him, he soon realizes that they are members of the Aurora Society after they do the Phoenix pose. Quite the opposite, Ciel suspected. They wish Ciel and Sebastian luck for the remainder of the competition. Ciel had never seen either one of his parents cooking until the day his father tried to make his mother feel better by preparing some of his favorite dishes. Therefore, Lau concludes that this case is in Ciel's jurisdiction. Toboso once joked that, due to their height difference, Ciel sometimes stands on a box when he poses together with Sebastian for a cover illustration as he would otherwise disappear from the frame. While the group is journeying by boat, they are accosted by the Scotland Yard's Thames Division, which monitors the River Thames. [45] Like his mother, he has asthma. They declared that they wished to raise their king of corruption to a new level in power, and that "Ciel" and Ciel were lambs, pure and innocent souls, brought to fulfill that purpose by being defiled, as the devil supposedly desired unclean and tainted souls. [537], At Bath, Ciel remarks that he has only been there once before to convalesce with his family. Sebastian apologizes, stating he knows he has failed as a Phantomhive butler. Nevertheless, Ciel requests for another "game," saying that kids have a greed for games. [419] Sieglinde says something about a ritual and leaves with Wolfram. Ciel mocks Soma for falling for a trick like that and smugly asserts that he will take any measure to win. [210], The day of the banquet arrives, and Ciel talks to Diedrich on the phone, who warns him not to overdo it. [330] Afterwards, Ciel explains his problem to Soma. Unexpectedly, a Panzer (the latest model of an armored land vehicle) appears, shocking Ciel, Baldroy, and Snake. [443] Then they both take her hand[444] and lead her to the underground chamber where the magic circle is. [302] Ciel silently gazes at him; then, looking at the lockets, he wonders aloud about Undertaker's motives. However, an unexpected knock at the door forces them to reverse rolesCiel happily leaves as the boy comes in, thanking Professor Michaelis for his help. Sebastian later scolds him. [476] They will both accompany them to England. He learns that he had visited the actual locations of the deaths themselves and the only explanation local villagers could muster was that it was due to the "witch's curse". They go up to the bedroom where she was sleeping, and Agni explains that he went to check up on her, but she was gone when he arrived. They welcome everyone to the "S4 Sirius-Limited Event," and say that everyone has given their best that week and that they wish for them to continue shining radiantly; thus they will deliver the "light of healing" via "Starlight Shower. Jeremy says that Georg initially feigned his death, but was truly killed later; therefore, alibis are invalid. He says that Joker and the others were desperately trying to protect something that did not even exist and they died for it. At night, McMillan talks with Ciel. Ciel curiously opens up the closet, and a multitude of cats that Sebastian had hidden rush out, eliciting Ciel's allergic reaction. Ciel reports the entire story to the Queen himself. Sieglinde says that collecting blood from a large number of people, which is what the music hall is doing, makes sense for a vast amount of data is needed to improve the accuracy of blood transfusion, and remarks that involving civilians in the unethical research is "vicious. He finally declares that it's a boring end to Ciel's journey, and he doubts that Ciel will be able to fill him up. They were narrowed, his mouth pulled down in a slight frown. Ciel screams Sebastian's name as Sebastian loses consciousness. Ciel's favorite animals are horses and dogs. [308], Ciel is ambushed by Soma and Agni, who attempt to snatch away his egg. [66], One night, intruders invaded Phantomhive Manor. Elizabeth is overjoyed that he got it first, after all, and wishes that this Easter egg may bring him happiness. When the children praise the quality of the bread and how nice the people there are, Ciel comes to a realization, and announces that he has figured something out. Ciel provides a genuine smile and thanks everyone. Grelle dives in between Sebastian and Ciel with her Death Scythe, and she and Sebastian battle. Grelle kills Angelina with her Death Scythe. After Sebastian notices he has been in his master's dreams he takes interest in the situations Ciel dreamt up. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Sebastian tells Ciel that he would protect Ciel's life, but if Ciel makes a mistake on his own accord, he might suffer a painful experience while alive. She apologizes to him, sadly saying that she cannot save him. After they leave this area, they enter the second boiler room. As the game progresses, Ciel notes what a good cricket player Soma is. Ciel says they should win for Red House as well. [177][178], Back at the London townhouse, Ciel is irritated that Sebastian has signed him up for an entrance test to qualify for the circus. He asks Sebastian why he saved him, and Sebastian responds because his Master asked him to. When Ciel concludes that that must be the reason why Sphere Music Hall was collecting blood, Othello shows him the soul retrieval list, on which the men's death day entries have been overwritten. Edward and Fred are unable to defend Ciel. [472] They discuss the case; Sebastian concludes that the German's technology is now in England's hands. [298], A shivering Ciel and Sebastian both see people drowning a little ahead of them; Sebastian states they should move their boat further away otherwise they will be swamped. In the storage compartment below, Ciel is startled to discover Snake. He allows them to keep Ciel in a cage, "play with her" as much as they please, use her in a ceremony, or parts of her could be sold according to what the customer prefers. However, the trophy is taken from the judge by Queen Victoria's aide, as she rides up on a horse. Ciel suddenly starts screaming about the lights being too dim. December 14, 1875[2] Finnian then recalls his past. Ciel called for their attention, stating that they must undergo special training. Many clues come along to help prove the existence of this theory. Ciel then states that he believes "Ciel" is an upgraded Bizarre Doll, to which Sebastian agrees. Sieglinde vows to always keep SuLIN a secret. They move to a table filled with cakes and tea, which Sieglinde marvels at; Ciel advises her to only take one cake and not indulge. Sebastian slowly opens his eyes; he states Ciel is so loudhe can hear him perfectly. [105] Ciel consecutively beats Angelina at chess forty-six times, and she remarks that she always loses to him at chess. [39] Despite his weak constitution, he is a competent shooter; he always carries a gun to defend himself, and he keeps one under his pillow when he sleeps. After cutting down all the corpses, Elizabeth directs her sword at Grelle, proclaiming that it is fine if she is not cute as long as she can protect Ciel. They have their dreams of the future; this compels them to move forward. While Gregory sketches charcoal drawings (Ciel notes that each one is nothing like the model), they discuss June 4th's main event-the Inter-Dormitories Cricket Tournament. When Edward asks how to be "a little naughty and aggressive," Sebastian, on Ciel's command, demonstrates it on Edward. He thanks her for the gesture. [64], Sebastian asserted that he did not recruit Baldroy on the basis of his culinary skills; rather, the Phantomhive Manor was in need of another senior staff to manage the other servants. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. [369] Furthermore, the other fags are dumbfounded as the P4 confess to their crime-killing Derrick Arden. [383], Suddenly a scream shatters the air, and Sebastian takes off leaving Baldroy in charge. [548], When Sebastian lifts Soma, Ciel spots pieces of a photo falling from his hand. Edward explains to a puzzled Ciel that the meetings close with everyone singing together, and adds that, however, today seems particularly unusual. [468] Ciel tells Diedrich they need a place to hide. Ciel points out that it is possible the song was made to be accessible in order to gather people together in one place so that business can be carried out. When Elizabeth asks about Grelle's identity, Sebastian requests that she stay back because he is afraid that Grelle's perverse nature is contagious. Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel and clamps his hand over his mouth, startling him. Ciel thinks that Sebastian is really dependable at times like thisaloud, he tells Clayton he wants to thank Professor Michaelis right away. She imperiously grabs them both and combs their bangs back neatly. Suddenly, tears start falling from Ciel's eyes. After telling Baldroy to clean up the mess by morning, Ciel returned to his bedroom. "Not directly, but Rook wound up having to make a huge line for guests to take pictures with him." Ciel said and Jamil gave a little nod as he got himself an iced chai tea and Kalim a drink. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house,[8] the notorious Queen's Watchdog,[9] the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. [306], For the Easter egg hunt, Sebastian arranges everyone into pairs; Ciel forms a pair with him. [464] Sebastian uses physical strength, Baldroy's "special supplies", and Ciel's guidance to completely destroy it. Lawrence Bluewer informs him about the rule (which is to stay off the lawn), and Edgar cheerfully tells him to be more careful from then on. He passes the entrance exam with Sebastian's help. [313], Queen Victoria informs Ciel that students at Weston College have been refusing to return home and asks him to investigate. Sebastian and Ciel see that his men are carrying Rian's devicealthough Sebastian suggests killing him now, Ciel replies that they cannot since they do not know how the device works. Sebastian tells Ciel that he is glad the rest of them were fooled. He says that while the people who summon demons are usually ordinary, sometimes a brilliant inventor is among them, which would explain the machines. After examining it, Sebastian decided to forcibly take it out, much to Ciel's chagrin. They rush inside, and Sebastian stops Ciel from witnessing the murder. Finnian immediately offers to clean him up. Ciel reads books from various famous authors, such as. Ciel, Arthur, Finnian, Baldroy, and Charles head down to the basement. By the time Sebastian returns, he is even worse off than Sebastian and falls unconscious. [120] Sebastian then asks why he was stopped from killing Angelina, and Ciel explains that she hesitated in killing him and lost sight of her next move. Ciel responds that it was a terrible wake-up call. When Sebastian finally returns to Ciel's side, he has prepared the meal; however, they are interrupted by news about a werewolf attack. However, he asks for a compensation (which is a "first-rate laugh") before he plans to reveal that crucial details. Heinrich, his butler, states it is an honor to meet Ciel; he reminds him of his father. He says that she will be treated cordially by England if she cooperates, especially because the fact that she can create mustard gas will be exposed sooner or later. Sebastian asked him where he wanted his seal, saying that the more visible it is, the stronger the contract is. [147] They sneak onto his property, and Sebastian deals with the guard dogs. Ciel Phantomhive | Kuroshitsuji Wiki | Fandom He states guilty he has not finished the day's supper preparations. Sebastian then informs him that Tanaka has called and said that Elizabeth Midford is currently at Phantomhive Manor and she refuses to go home before seeing Ciel. Ciel reprimands Soma to stop crying and act his age. The lady plays the harp, while the Starlight Four sing "Starlight Shower," the lyrics and music of which composed by Blavat. [438], Sebastian and Ciel then visit Sieglinde. When Grelle's Death Scythe cuts through a porthole, water rushes into the room. Ciel, then, grants her permission to choose Sebastian's clothes. how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea - Sebastian admonishes him that he will get "2 Y's" for walking around at night. Ciel suddenly recognizes one of the names as his grandmother's. Soma asks Ciel to be his guide in his search for Mina, but Ciel tells him that he has a scheduled day of lessons and work. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. She snatches it, claiming he cares more about the ring than her feelings. Surprised, Ciel comments that Edward looks pale. Ciel asserts that she will need a lot of money for new knowledge, for even Wolfsschlucht operated on national-level amounts of money, and that Wolfram is too awkward to raise that kind of money, much to Wolfram's chagrin. [463] Ciel tells Baldroy and Snake to help the others get to the train; he also hands the case to Snake. Soma bursts in, grabs Agni, and demands to know where Mina is. After escaping his inner world, Ciel wakes up in the darkness; he orders Sebastian to instantly let go of him. [549], Ciel and Sebastian drop off Soma at Sieglinde's place for her to tend to his injuries. Ciel Phantomhive has hooked up with Sebastian Michaelis. Sebastian comments that he believes that Undertaker did not want to harm Ciel; nonetheless, he hopes they never meet again. [504], In an unknown room, a sleeping Ciel is approached by Ekizabeth. Ciel replies that it is the karma his family has been burdened with, which he has inherited along with his ring. Ciel then orders Sebastian to begin preparations and contact Lau and Undertaker. Astounded, they both wonder what kind of ties Undertaker has to the Phantomhives. Sebastian asks Ciel why he asked him to save Wolfram. Gregory suddenly screamno one should go into Violet House. He has now concluded that Gregory Violet will have the most information about Derrick Arden; he just has to figure out a way to get close to him. What does Ciel Phantomhive put in his tea? When the hall is empty, Ciel immediately summons Sebastian. Before he could say more, however, Tanaka was attacked from behind by an unseen assailant who then grabbed Ciel.[55]. With Sebastian handling everything and Ciel taking all of the credit, everyone is astounded by Ciel's efficiency. He does manage to tell her that his parents are dead. [252] While Sebastian holds off Knox, Ciel states he will go on aheadwhen Sebastian is done playing, he should follow him. The reason why the queen killed Ciel's parents. However, Professor Michaelis catches him, stating their first priority is medical attention. Ever since he has been unwilling to allow Sebastian to check for cavities in his teeth when they start to wobble. When he comes to, Sebastian tells him a butler is not allowed to dies before his masterhis senior, Tanaka, told him that. [373] Aloud, he tells the P4 that he will explain the circumstances to the concerned parties; Sebastian smiles when he hears this. [56], He was then chained in a cage while masked adults looked on and remarked about what a splendid evening they will have. Sebastian smiles and states that he's glad his "Young Master" has returned to him. Gender Amused, "Ciel" declares that the head of the Phantomhive house, Ciel Phantomhive, is actually he. [576], Later, Lau and Sebastian report their abundant findings to Ciel, but not a single one provides conclusive evidence. Therefore, it's time to choosehe points a gun at her head, asking her if she wants to live or get it over with right now. [185] Freckles then pulls him to the showers, and when Ciel is unwilling to bathe in public, Freckles forcefully strips him and sees the mark he got when he was a slave in a cult. [130] He takes information on the Anglo-Indian assaults from them in order to review the case. Wolfram and Sieglinde are disguised on their journey to England. They admire the evening sun, and Soma suddenly hugs Ciel and bawls, crying for Mina. There the Perfect Four speak to Cielhe has to obey the rules, follow tradition, and maintain discipline at all times. Both Ciel and Wolfram are relieved that things have progressed smoothly thus far. Infuriated that Agni went against his orders, Soma loudly complains to an upset Agni. Ciel explains the incident that involves East End, which Lau manages. Undertaker arrives, and reveals that he rescued "Ciel"'s body from the fire that night because he would not be able to restore him, if he were burnt to ashes. [410] Ciel then grabs hold of Finnian, surprising everyone. Ciel retaliates by saying Lau's opium and intoxicants dens, in time, will surely be closed by the police. Finnian tries to lunge on to Ciel, but Sebastian stops him. When he's done, he goes to his welcoming party, which consists of Clayton shoving him onto a sheet which the other boys use to launch Ciel into the air. All the spectators, including Professor Michaelis, laugh good-naturedly.[364]. John remarks that Ciel has grown up to be like his father, and the Queen agrees, saying that he is very reliable. Ciel looks at Diedrich and comments that he is a rich boy. Johann Agares, the vice headmaster, gives Ciel the welcome speech in the headmaster's stead. After talking about stars and radiance and urging all the attendees to sing together, they remove their robes, revealing that they are Gregory, Herman, Lawrence, and Edgar, to Ciel's and Edward's shock. [539], They find Gregory, and wake him. Sebastian replies that it will take some time to train him. To decide the actual victor, Sebastian and Agni duel for their respective masters. [312] At the dining table, Grey and Phipps deliver a "love letter" from Queen Victoria to Ciel. Ciel declares that Karl's motive is success in the diamond market, and that he must have wanted to dispose of Ciel first. [140], Soma accepts the challenge, but when he is about to lose, Agni intervenes to protect his prince and injures Ciel's arm in the process. The twins' buyer initially treated them kindly, giving "Ciel" and Ciel a bath and treating them to a splendid feast, including game meat. Sebastian questions why he has ordered for the children to be killed, and Ciel says that they would be happier in death as they cannot possibly recover from the trauma. Snake states that Webster says their poison isnt affecting them at allplus, they are exuding a horrible smell. DRINKING TEA WITH CIEL PHANTOMHIVE <3. Sebastian apologizes and states that he has all the gas' samples. They then decide to check everyone's luggage for the key, but they fail to find anything. Sebastian, however, concludes that everything was fairly straightforward until the headmaster shrouded everything in mystery. Professor Michaelis shocks all the students by bringing Soma's elephant to help put out the fire. [226], The guests leave the next morning, but Arthur rushes back to the Phantomhive Manor, having figured out that Jeremy is actually Sebastian. [307] While they are searching, they hear the sound of a loud explosion and rush into the hall, to find Baldroy and Mey-Rin looking completely disheveled. He, Sebastian, and Blavat are whisked away on a police carriage, after Sebastian tells the Phantomhive servants, bar Tanaka, to collect their pay later. Meanwhile, Undertaker has disappeared; Viscount Druitt then excitedly tells Sebastian and Ciel to get ready because the meeting is starting. [13] As described by his tailor, Nina Hopkins, Ciel has a well-proportioned body: His arms and legs are thin, his shoulders slim, and his waist narrow. Edgar, Lawrence, Herman, and Gregory welcome him to the "elegant, traditional, high class, and bizarre Midnight Tea Party." Soma incorrectly deduces that Ciel doesn't care about his suffering and grabs his shirt in fury. However, at Scarlet Fox's dormitory, the boys pelt Ciel with small stones, and he is forced to flee. Sebastian mockingly responds that it could be the curse. They are on guard outside the next murderer's target's room to await the arrival of Jack the Ripper. After investigating, Sebastian informs Ciel that four other boys have been tricked by Maurice. [361], In the final play, Ciel as the wicket-keeper gets hit on the forehead by Herman's bat. Ciel questions why she needed to specifically ask him to go abroad, when he had only done so once before. [74], Later, Ciel and Sebastian go to London for a new cane, after Finnian broke the other one. Victoria is joyous; she praises Ciel for accomplishing his mission and asserts that his parents must be happy along with her late husband Prince Albert. However, Ciel denies this, because he had many opportunities to save this woman, but he placed catching the killer above saving her life. [428] Breaking free, he rushes past all of them, screaming Sebastian's name. [460] Wolfram then mercilessly hits Ciel. A few weeks later, Ciel boards the ship with Sebastian and Snake and leaves the other servants in charge of the manor. [345] Finally, Clayton tells him that Professor Michaelis recommended himhe should thank him for his glowing praise. igf bundeswehr schieen . He tells him to bowl with all of his strengththe entire team feels that even if they lose, they will have no regrets. However, Ciel screams that he just wants to go home. You are the new maid at the phantomhive manor. As Ciel starts, Sebastian holds onto his arm. Ciel struggles with dressing himself, peeling potatoes, getting food, and performing. Ciel frustratingly states he does not want to call him. [542], Othello affirms that entries may be revised every once in a while, especially when there are external factors, such as a demon, interfering with the affairs of humans. He tells the three of them to hurry up and runthis forest has more dangers than these "villagers." The next day, Sebastian instructs Finnian to take care of Ciel. Simultaneously, Ciel notices a wobbly Joanne behind himSebastian explains that he had to knock him out so he could fight easily.[377]. Ciel claims that Sebastian is a senior worker from the same factory as he. I TOLD YOU WHAT I WANTED *Stands on his chair and slaps Sebastian* Sebastian: *narrows eyes* Yessssss, Young Master Ciel: *adjusts his ring* hmph In the battle it is alluded to that the queen perceived Phantomhive household as a threat to the throne and had them exterminated. Blavat is startled when he sees Sebastian and Ciel, and then he tells Sebastian to sit down, while Ciel notes that the air has shifted. Ciel finally allows them to stay, but on the condition that Soma will work by managing his townhouse in London. [347] Elizabeth's father, Alexis Leon Midford, then announces that he hopes to see another "Miracle of the Sapphires." davenport, fl crime rate P.O. [515], Later, Ciel, along with Edward, is surprised when Sebastian returns with an unconscious Elizabeth. After justifying his arrival, Jeremy takes over the investigation and asks for the corpses to be put in three separate rooms. Consequently, Sebastian asks Pitt and Soma to leave, and they comply. Ciel Phantomhive | Villains Wiki | Fandom However, Sebastian easily pulls a lever to reveal an elevator-style door. The milk splashes all over Ciel. He adds that he tends to use all the pawns he has at his disposal, and that if Agni does not like that, he is free to leave and return to India. [231], Afterward, Ciel, Elizabeth Midford, Soma Asman Kadar, Agni, Undertaker, and the Phantomhive servants prepare to bury the "dead" Sebastian.