#7foldblessingsofabraham #propheticalconvention #rev.danielmosesSPECIAL PROPHETICAL CONVENTION 2021 || 7 FOLD BLESSINGS OF ABRAHAM || REV. A. To understand the principles discovered by Abraham, all of which will form the underpinnings of Judaism, a good starting point is an analysis of the seven blessings bestowed upon Abraham by God. For the sake of God, Abraham was prepared to sabotage his inheritance. God will now bless these descendants. They will be fruitful, successful against their enemies, and a source of admiration and emulation from the nations of the world. This will be discussed again in more detail on the chapter about the Binding of Isaac. Question: In Genesis 12:1-3God promises Abram The blessing of Abraham finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the Seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:16) and the Redeemer of the world.The rest of the Bible records how these promises were fulfilled and the blessing of Abraham advanced. and Marge Abram It is biblical and it works. And make thy name great; 4. Circumcision is to be not only a , but an aspect of the covenant itself. A Jew who is not circumcised denies that he is part of the mission of the Jewish people -. Just another site is explained by many Jewish interpreters as being derived from the two Hebrew words , which mean that and sufficient. God promised to bless not only Abraham, in Genesis 12:1-3, but to also bless all the families of the earth through him. God rightly changed his name from 'Abram' (a name which means Exalted father) to 'Abraham' (meaning the father of many ) as a mark of and the starting point toward the fulfillment of those ric. But this so-called duplication can be readily explained. In the first instance, the communication was to Abraham alone and was via Elokim. This is because Isaacs birth has universal implications. Now husband and wife are informed as a couple by the angels of YKVK about this future pregnancy. This communication has personal and tribal implications, but not a universal one, and is part of the two YKVK and Elokim stories winding their way through the book of Genesis. Abraham was blessed because he believed God. The directions for the Day of Atonement are given in Leviticus 16; but from other Scriptures we learn that there were seven sprinklings on that great day, to mark the perfection of accomplished atonement: -. Gen.13:16 Accordingly its meaning is - there is sufficiency within Me for every creature and I have the wherewithal to care for you. This covenant established by Elokim is also to be an eternal one: I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your seed after you throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant .. (Genesis 17:7) Other aspects of eternity are also stressed throughout this passage. The land of Canaan will belong to the Jewish people forever: the land of your sojourns, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession . (Genesis 17:8) Circumcision is also to be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. (Genesis 17:13) There will always be circumcised Jews in the world because Gods covenant with Abraham is eternal and His representatives need to be eternally here on earth. About Us People: Our salvation comes from Jesus Christ, the one sent by God to save the world. `5oW(,74*hU\ . Abraham will also become the progenitor of kings: implies sovereignty and power. Your offspring will not be a small and insignificant people tucked away in a remote corner of the world but a major and powerful actor on the world scene in one of the central locations on the globe, between the two great superpowers of Mesopotamia and Egypt. %PDF-1.3 % 7 fold blessing of abraham pdf. 1. The promise to Abraham establishes him and his descendants as conduits of God's blessing for the whole world. The 7 blessings of Abraham are the gracious heavenly gift that Abraham received as part of Gods plan to create a new nation on earth. This article explains its biblical meaning and how you can freely receive it. | 7 fold blessing of abraham. in the library that he would become a great nation but is not given a precise destination. In the second blessing, Abraham is told that he has arrived, that he will have offspring, and that the land on which he is standing has been allocated to these offspring. In this, the third blessing, God tells him that despite Lots leaving him, Abraham should have no concern about descendants. They will become more numerous than the dust of the earth. Moreever, from Bethel, Abraham has a panoramic view of the land of Canaan. This land will be his and his descendants for eternity. Abraham should now transverse this land, for it will be his. Rashi/ Commentary on the Torah. 7 fold blessing of abraham. much commentary, since it could imply that Abraham has doubts about Gods promise. The arrow of conviction, "Go," "call," and "come.". Cain and Abel: A pivotal story in the Torah, Satire in the Bible - the Ziggurat of Babylon, God's universal message to Abraham and his descendants, God's masterplan for a utopian society - righteousness, justice, and the way of God, "Possessing" the land for the burial of Sarah, Isaac and Ishmael - a story yet incomplete, The moral and religious conflict between Judaism and Islam, THE BINDING OF ISAAC-THE NON-EVENT THAT CHANGED THE WORLD, JOSEPH - THE RIGHT PERSON IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, The redemption from Egypt and God's role in the natural world and world history. 2 I will make you into a great nation. in the Middle Bronze Age II period. In other words, there is a discrepancy of about 1,200 years between the Biblical and historical Ur. How then is it possible for Abraham to have left a Chaldean Ur? Three possibilities have been suggested by scholars. 23. And through this promise, God binds Godself to this people forever. As I signed the book I was reminded of the Holy Spirit that Jesus has signed the Book of Life for me with His own precious blood. hb```f``e`e`Wbf@ a(I The Book of Genesis. A Commentary by Shadal (S.D. God promoted Abraham to a position of great importance not to stroke his ego but so that though Abrams wealth and reputation, he would be a blessing to those around him. 1. V. Blessing number five Genesis 12:2 and thou shalt be a blessing: . The following is a list of the seven promises made by Elokim in the order in which they appear in the text: #1 - you shall be the father of a multitude of nations, #2 - your name shall no longer be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you the father of a multitude of nations. Leader: Come, all who desire blessing! Paul never teaches that a Christian has a right to prosperity and ease: So also Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Understand, then, that those who have faith are children of Abraham. A passionate preacher & a prolific writer. Yet there is also another far-reaching message this passage wishes to convey and which could only result from Abraham and Sarah being called on at an old age. As people of faith, we are justified in Christ. Joseph Parker wrote Great lives are trained by great promises. King James Version 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: - 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus is a keyword in this passage and this fourth blessing is built around the issue of inheritance. However, the blessing Abraham received from God went far beyond those immediate, personal blessings. In essence, He asserts that He will be their God throughout the entirety of Jewish history. And he blessed him and said: great nation, A. of the earth.1. Left after 10 years, nearly 10,000 followers, when new rules blocked my 1st amendment rights of free speech. Support Us Try, Slow Down, Big Fellawhat A Motorcyclist Taught Me About Preaching, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. BBC International Dear Dr. Eugene Kim, Thank you Sir for responding to my comment (reference a) Its obvious by your response you havent read the blog I sent you about why Brick and Mortar Buildings called churches are not biblical. God controls history. History is neither a series of random events nor the result of dialectic processes. History is what God wants it to be. And Gods historical process required a preparatory period of four hundred years before Israel would be redeemed. 0000003188 00000 n So where is his birthplace is it Haran or is it Ur of the Chaldeans? Cassuto solves this problem by suggesting that the word , means not birthplace, as commonly translated, but kindred or family circle and he brings other examples of its use in this way in the Bible. . IV. , 30.This is just one of several interpretations of this phrase but it seems to be the most literal with respect to the text. Midrashic explanations, and this is the direction followed by Rashi, suggest that he was worried that he had already received reward for his righteousness. This means that he could expect no further Divine assistance and would be punished for the lives he had taken or would receive no further assistance from God if there were a reprisal attack. Nachmanides suggests he might die without children. Genesis 14:18-20 tells us the story of the first tithe in the Bible: Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High. We must desire it with all our heart and then we will bless all the families And I will establish my I will make you a great nation. This awareness came to him while still in his hometown of Haran; and it is because of this that YKVK could say to him:, Jewish commentators question the significance of the phrase , . (Genesis 12:1), when the sentence could equally as well have opened with the single word , ) Rashi translates these two words as, and links them to the subsequent blessings. Hence, go for your pleasure and for your benefit.. From this point on, trust in God will become a foundational aspect of the lives of the Biblical forefathers, and will in turn become the model for the Jewish peoples relationship with God. It is spiritual, physical, and financial. Copyright (c) 2021 | Walking By Faith | GuCherry Blog by Everestthemes. But this did not limit the possibilities. As the YKVK aspect of God says to Joshua: Every place upon which the sole of your foot will march I have given to you, as I have spoken to Moses. From the desert and this Lebanon to the great river, the Euphrates River, all the land of the Hittites to the Mediterranean Sea westward will be your boundary. No man will challenge you all the days of your life . For these reasons and more, Genesis 12 is a key text on which to dwell this week. This is the first time that YKVK has made a covenant with an individual and represents a deepening progression in Abrahams relationship with God. . 0000016502 00000 n Its more than bad hermeneutics; it leads to serious error.The theme of Galatians 3 is justification by faith. So the greatest thing we can do as believers is to live to please Him on a daily basis. The details of the covenantal ceremony are translated here as Bring Me three heifers, three she-goats and three rams, and a turtle-dove and a young pigeon (Genesis 15:9) - but this may not be the precise translation. The Bible reads that each animal is to be brought as a heifer meshuleshet (), she-goat meshuleshet () and ram meshulash (). The word meshulash () is related to the word three. Kimchi translates it as a 3-year old animal. Report an Issue | 33.Rashi to Genesis 15:9, based on Bereishis Rabbah 44:14. (LogOut/ "Growing in God's Grace" Adult Sunday School Today at 11:00 am. Bereishis, p84, OU Press). , 29. Abraham's seven-fold blessing in Genesis 12:2, 3: -. | Others see a seven-fold blessing of Abraham: 1) I will make you into a great nation, 2) I will bless you, 3) I will make your name great, 4) you will be a blessing, 5) I will bless those who bless you, 6) whoever curses you I will curse, and 7) all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. are defined in more detail in Numbers chapter 34, while the more extensive borders are mentioned again in Exodus 23:29-31 and in the book of Deuteronomy (7:22, 11:22-24, 19:8-9). (Welfare & community Development) Remember, God is not a man that He should lie. I will be a God to them (Genesis 17:8). 6. A convert to Judaism is called a child of Abraham. Islam and Christianity also consider themselves spiritual heirs to Abrahams legacy. The Koran establishes its Abrahamic lineage through Ishmael. Christianity views Abraham as an important exemplar of faith and a spiritual and possibly a physical ancestor of Jesus. The blessing of Abraham was not just for Abraham. Following Gods directive to walk through the land. The Egyptian Exodus and Canaanite conquest - facts or fiction? | Our acts of obedience, faith, righteousness and walking in the Holy Ghost These sources are of interest not necessarily because of their accuracy, but because they all indicate that they were prepared to consider other locations for Ur other than southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, these commentaries were all written when Ur was no longer inhabited and it is possible that they were unaware of this citys existence. However, there are other good reasons to consider a southern Mesopotamian Ur of the Chaldees as being unlikely. Southern Mesopotamia is the habitation of the descendants of Ham, whereas the descendants of Shem lived in present day Turkey, Iran, and Northern Iraq. According to Genesis 10:22-31, the five sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud and Aram. Abraham was one of the descendants of Arphaxad (Genesis 11:12-25) Josephus suggests that these five sons gave rise to the nations of Elam, Assyria, Chaldea, Lydia and Levantine. An Ur of the Chaldeans in southern Mesopotamia also leads to a very obvious contradiction in the Biblical text. While in Haran, Abraham is told to leave, ). Also, when requesting his servant Eliezer to take a wife for his son Isaac, he tells him to go to Haran , Also, in the Covenant between the Pieces, God takes responsibility for taking Abraham from Ur Kasdim: , (Genesis 15:7). Round about upon the altar (Leviticus 16:19). 0000010891 00000 n Abrahams extended family is much larger though than its biological one, and the next verses have symbolic as well as their literal meaning: a father of Aram. He is now to be called , Not only will he be the biological father to many nations but also a spiritual father to an even greater number of people. There is a Rabbinic tradition that Malchizedek is to be identified with Shem, the son of Noah (TB Nedarim 32b, Midrash Tehillim 76:3, Targum Yonasan, and Rashi to 14:18). Nevertheless, the question still stands. those who would be through blessings would be blessed. 19. (GALATIANS 3:14), !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); How by the power in us, which is Genesis 12:1-3. trailer <]/Prev 297657>> startxref 0 %%EOF 44 0 obj <>stream (Genesis 15:18). What accounts for this difference? There is, moreover, a fundamental problem with the notion that Abrahams sole claim to greatness was his defense of monotheism. The God who created and rules the world is Elokim. Yet it was YKVK, the God of individual providence, who called upon Abraham to leave in his old age his birthplace and family and to embark on a new and, at this stage, unrevealed mission. By contrast, the borders in the previous blessing are geo-political borders. Israel can expand beyond its core territory whenever there is national consensus, and eventually its power and influence will extend from Egypt to Mesopotamia. This is not a directive but permission to do so, and God through His aspect of YKVK will help them achieve this. In fact, the Israelites already began establishing these greater borders early in their history by capturing the east bank of the Jordan at the time of Moses. Considerable expansion of territory was also achieved in the time of King David. , What is the purpose of this covenant? Or to put the question another way - circumcision is to be a sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:11), but what is it a sign of? II. The seven-fold sprinkling implies that it was perfectly and spiritually efficacious. The faith of Abraham led to his justification, and that is the blessing of Abraham that we share today.