As an individual, you have values and virtues, just as organizations do. So if youre ready to take your personal brand up a notch (or two), keep these powerful words in mind! Efficiently accelerate growth across your company by enabling employees to share and create content on social media. And he throws in a Star Wars reference that both shows off his sense of humor and appeals to his audience. LinkedIn is one of the places that make the most sense to put your personal branding statement, more so than any other network. Its straightforward and shows the kind of approach and value she would provide her clients. Life throws many wrenches at us, but its often our ability Some rules: Each cannot exceed 3 words. Weve put them into three core buckets that you can mix and match to craft a professional image that actually fits your personality. The best brands have a clearly defined personality that is specific in their . At the core of his personal brand is a beautiful portfolio website, made in Webflow. If youve ever come across someones LinkedIn profile and cringed a little, then you know what I mean. Goal - oriented What steps are necessary to make your desired personal brand a reality? To help you understand this concept, keep educating yourself on how it ties in with your professional goals. UGC Creators: What Are They? A resume is your golden ticket to getting the call. Words to Describe Yourself on a Resume . This is something that we need to make more clear moving forwards, thank you! That's a very interesting way to use it! Those are the personality traits your brand needs to fully represent from here on out in all of its visual and verbal communications. Imagine being faced with a difficult situation However, after polling several well-educated young professionals about their personal brand statement, we realized that there are still many individuals who dont understand how to use it to benefit their career and brand. It's more advanced to focus on the first three aspects of your personal brand: skills, personality, and motivation. here are some suggestions of words that I highly recommend leveraging. Can you describe your Brand in 3 words? - Quora Personal Branding Success Comes Down to 3 Words - LinkedIn If youre looking to make your personal brand more irresistible, focus on using words that will resonate with your target audience. Time and time again we see people spend hours crafting and refining their personal brand statement, only for them to just put it on their website. Who better to trust for a personal branding statement example than a personal branding coach? Hard-working 2 . CEO walks out). Aware. Denise Duffield-Thomas - Lucky Bitch. Of these personal branding statement examples, hers stands out with its creativity and use of storytelling. She expresses her excitement for the brands that she has worked for and establishes herself as an employee advocate. Consider these brand words that describe your expertise. Think about the ways you excel in being collaborative in your work environment You want to be approachable and interested, but realize that most actions are not taken on the initial day of contact. Then I figured out why. To date, Ive had 32,415 comments. Thats why you get a summary and an entire about section on LinkedIn to. How to Describe Yourself in Three Words | in those situations? This article has helped us focus in on how we can best stand out in the crowd. Activity 1.1 Write four words to describe your ideal self-concept (personal brand). Since you are adaptable and versatile in any environment, being meticulous shows a flair for paying attention to detail and using critical thinking skills in analyzing complex technical issues while also jumping in with creativity when the situation calls for it. It can't be more or less than 3. Start Online. Personal branding is a marketing strategy focused on your most important product: you. Youll see most professionals on LinkedIn describing themselves with personal brand adjectives, but thats not really the best way to convey your brand. You can visit if you need to get a signage. After all, recruiters are pressed for time. Your brand personality is essentially how you speak to your people across your different platforms and media, and having some core traits is helpful for you to always refer back to. Here are our top picks for the best personal brands right now: 1. Thats simple, succinct, and its enough of a teaser to get a response like: Wow, tell me how you do that. Thats your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. This gives you a significant advantage over other profiles that have their value spread thin throughout their entire profile. Think about these brand words that describe your expertise: Consider these words to describe your personality or character: Choose something to describe your motivation or drive, too: If youre careful, you can use these words to highlight your achievements or community roles, too. Knowing these "secrets," I now see excellent results during my job searches - and I dont even apply to more than a handful at once. When thinking about my brand, I dont want people to feel ________, ________, or _______. One of the effective ways in defining your brand identity is to describe your brand voice in three words. Personal Branding is the process of establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. Ive run an Emmy award winning motion design/brand consultancy for over 23 years. Denise Duffield-Thomas is another example of exceptional personal branding. It can be hard to know where to start with your personal brand. Words to Describe Your Brand. I live for opportunities to deliver game-changing, digital and physical global marketing programs that deepen consumer connections, accelerate revenue and drive brand growth.. 14 Fantastic Examples of Personal Branding Statements I am very passionate about one thing: teaching people (entrepreneurs, marketers, etc) how to achieve rockstar results with their social media, especially Twitter. If you dont have much experience at something, then it can be about any area that you want to become an expert in so long as you dont exaggerate. 60 adjectives to help describe your brand's personality Home About Services Portfolio The Brand Room shop Freebies VIP Design Days membership Blog Testimonials Contact More Intuitive, story-driven graphic design and brand strategy Upscale your business + reach more customers with a luxurious, thoughtful brand identity. And no matter what type of resume you're writing, a short resume profile at the top can be a great way to make an elevator pitch that you're the right candidate for the job. Try telling it to a friend or significant other one time and see if he or she can easily recall the entire sentence. You should be respectful of their time and yours. Cheers, and thanks! 10 Personal Brand Statement Examples to Inspire You - Career Sidekick If you look at any strong personal branding statement example you will find that this is the main focus. Required fields are marked *. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and strategic. Do you take an Meaning: The word "Bold" is used to describe the character of a person who is brave, fearless, confident, courageous, and is willing to take risks. When choosing personal branding words, it is important to consider what you want people to think of when they hear your name. Once you have agreed on your brand personality keywords, select supporting words for the main brand personality words. Coming on too strong, too fast is something that many people do. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that you want the world to see you. Its important to not confuse your messaging with your personal branding. And sharing about her rockstar results and tattoo-wearing shows off her fun personality, too! Even after youve decided on a statement, it is a good idea to check with a friend to make sure that your idea of yourself matches what others think of you. When people describe their brand, they typically identify a word that falls into one of these three categories: Under Expertise, descriptors used include competent, talented, productive and strategic. He establishes his leadership in his field and shows how his passion translates to direct success with his customers. This will help set you apart from all the other people who offer similar services or operate in the same industry. the time to achieve a clients goals or needs? Dial-in your brief personal brand statement that you want to present so you can recite it on autopilot. to describe yourself when building And the third category, Drive highlights words such as determined, trailblazer, intense and game-changer, and yes I know this is two words. Choosing the right personal brand words is one of the most effective methods for doing this. 3. This can help you guide your answer to one that is relevant to the job while still being true to yourself. Personal Branding: What 3 adjectives describe you? - John Millen To find the one word to describe yourself make sure you thoroughly read through your resume and choose a quality it supports. If theyre not interested, dont bother. When people see something from my brand they think it is _________. Heres a little-known fact about writing: verbs are more effective than adjectives. Taking your personal brand statement and making it easily found will help share what youre all about, even if someone doesnt have a lot of time to look at your profile. Think about why you are choosing these words and how they relate to your brands values. You can use self-praise on your portfolio website, resume, and LinkedIn profile, but it might look tacky or insincere. Even though its time-consuming, your personal branding statement should be revised at least once a year to reflect changes and advancements in your professional career. Its important to have a professional philosophy and solid professional track record. But even more than that I seek to inspire and lift people and processes up. Heres the worst-kept secret in the world of writing: verbs work better than adjectives. However, as with most things, its far more effective to keep it simple then to overload people with a lot of information that can take away from where you really add value. The characteristics of a resourceful This will make you more effective than if you simply called yourself results-oriented or something else that is canned. By doing so, youll come across as more sincere. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Go through a variety of filters to zero in on the leads you want to reach. Social media amplification is the icing on the social media marketing cake. For example, if brave is one of your main brand personality words, it could . Your Personal Success Profile seems very interesting and something I would ask that you expend upon if have time. Feeling inspired by those personal brand statement examples? Consider if you have The best personal brand words to add to your profile - Employed Historian Its a subtle difference that most people miss. They see you as organized. Our next featured user is the Builder of Things and Communities, who is pictured below. The following 6 steps will help increase your self-awareness, define the competencies you need, and strengthen your personal leadership brand. Your post has given me clarity to define my personal brand statement. And once you have a standout personal brand statement, youll also want to deliver authentic and engaging content to your audiences on social media. Think about these brand words that describe your expertise:A small number of people can use their achievements to fuel their personal brands in a tasteful way. We have it front and center. We have over 60,000 monthly readers that would love to see it! 60+ Words to Best Describe Yourself for Interviews & Resumes Consider Goal-oriented 1 . This is how I measure success! Im dedicated to transforming companies, departments, teams, projects, products, services, and experiences by focusing on the full arc of the Customer Experience.. She establishes herself as an expert on Twitter and someone that cares about being a teacher and coach for others. Interview Question: 'Describe Yourself in Three Words.' - Glassdoor People often confuse products with things like logos, slogans, or other visible marks, which are marketing tools that helps to promote goods and services. These will be guiding factors in helping solidify your brand personality. Picture Credits: Nike. That's your invitation to elaborate on your 30-second elevator pitch. Your answers to these questions (and the ones below) will be the steering wheel that drives your personal branding campaign. "I develop sustainable business models and marketing strategies to fuel small business growth.". function load(e){var t=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=document.createElement("link");return n.type="text/css",n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,t.appendChild(n),n}load('//'); Everybody tells you that you have to have an effective 30-second elevator pitch.. I already have my own company, so I'm not looking to impress employers, but my business partner and I are always looking to stand out amongst competing labels. Loved by salespeople, recruiters, and marketers. Powerful. Consider how you have had to come up with Plan Contact us and let's discuss your ideas! I build communities and evangelize for the things I believe in. Personal Branding for Freelancers: Build a Powerful Reputation Sharing this info is very impactful!! Narrow it down to three words that align with your personal brand and the organization Look at your adjective list and organization research. You can even quote them in your headline, as long as its an honest quotebut using titles and descriptive personal brand words on yourself that fly too close to the sun will leave you. Brand Adjectives: Daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date. You dont necessarily need a personal brand logo to stick in peoples memories, but it definitely helpsand its really part of a wider effort to Job seekers who dont think personal branding is worth their time are going to be sorely disappointed waiting for their phones to ring. Rather, its something you should consult, review, and revise on a continuous basis. A solid personal brand statement example would be: "I help your brand gain visibility online.". If they also used similar words to describe your freelance personal brand, then you're already on the right track. Consider Your Brand As A Personal Relationship. Chris Do uses his personal branding statement to tell the story of his career what he achieved in the past and what hes focused on now. When I talk to my ideal people, I want my tone of voice to be _________. Why you should use 3 words to create your Personal Brand People skim online, even when looking at LinkedIn profiles. I am a determined and resilient individual who is always eager to learn and evolve. personal situation. high integrity. Hard-working 2. However, it comes across as if youre trying to boast or appear more important than you are, which could turn people off. Learning how to describe your Andrew Webb is on a mission to show liberal arts graduates how to land jobs and build careers. You dont want to come across as inauthentic or self-serving, so use them sparingly. I consider myself to be driven because I'm always working toward a new goal and refuse to give up if met with any obstacles. 1- Bold. Beyond her work experience and interests though, she shares some of her hobbies and interests, which helps show off her positive personality. If you want to thrive in your career, one of the best things you can do is build a strong personal brand strategy. 4. something instead of just talking about it. A solid personal brand statement example would be: I help your brand gain visibility online.. Austin Belcaks personal branding statement is a lesson in how to showcase your value simply. Having a professional philosophy and a solid professional track record are more effective than calling yourself results-oriented or something similarly canned. co-worker or a difficult client and how you have handled it professionally. the times in which you have caught someone cheating, stealing, or even being WHO ARE YOU? YOUR PERSONAL BRAND IN A FEW WORDS - Maria Brophy Hopefully, with a good sentence, an employer will want to know about you. aristocratic or having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals. 190+ Brand Adjectives To Create A Unique Brand Personality - Spear Growth Sage Alliance, a Leadership Performance Company, provides coaching, team-building and assessments, workshops and speaking on topics including; leadership development, empowering teams, communications, lasting impressions, personal branding and building a coaching culture for executives and high-potentials for both team and individual leaders. Use personal brand adjectives sparingly and in. the 9 secrets of job hunting with a humanities degree, We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Ensure that the words you choose are genuine and reflect yourself accurately. If you want your projects to take center stage, then pair them with personal brand concepts that denote humility, such as curiosity or self-improvement. 1. It sounds like youre trying to appeal to people who want to be seen as clever or unique, and the word builder definitely has a positive connotation. How to Define Your Personal Brand in 5 Simple Steps About Me: I was awarded the title Top Graduating HR Student at my college for my leadership and passion for the field. Your brand mantra should communicate clearly who you are, it should be simple and memorable, and it should feel inspiring to you. What's Your Leadership Brand? | Center for Creative Leadership - CCL Your Look and Style. This resource gives you 175 of the most impactful marketing words (good and bad), organized into ten categories for easy reading. He was thrilled! 60 adjectives to help describe your brand's personality - Branding by Juls (These three words, like The Beatles, are most effective when united.) 10 Personal Brand Statement Examples for Inspiration - EveryoneSocial Frankly, it can make all the difference in short-term job searches as well. This helps you discover your target audience, your visual aesthetic and create guidelines around your brand. Glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for sharing your post with our readers to add more suggestions. Showcasing your work experience and education puts you in a position to be hired for a job or move on to the next round of the interview process. I do always seek to create, sustain and be in harmony. Finally, look at your three lists of words, and see how you can combine them into a short sentence or phraseno more than five words. She shows her fun and positive personality, while also explaining her goals as a CX/UX consultant. First, understand that the words you use are just a means to convey powerful ideas. This represents your point of differentiation. I'm very patient and take recruiting new people for suitable positions very seriously. The words in this category focus on skills and abilities, how the individual does his or her job well. Infographic: ONE Word to Describe Your Personal Brand 4 Steps To Building Your Personal Brand Voice To Stand Out - Claire Bahn We've seen thousands of resumes and CVs that say people are "motivated team players." Those are great things to be, yet too many people write the exact same words. Personal branding builds your reputation. Not many entrepreneurs can carry off 'wearing' their brand but Denise does and does it well. It might be a good idea to speak with a personal branding consultant to get the balance right. these 5 words describe you both professionally and personally. brand, one of the first pieces of information I seek to extract from them It should be short and catchy but also contain enough compelling information to convey your value and show your personality. 1. 70 Brand Adjectives List to Describe your Brand I have a slide that lists two columns of positive words, such as "trustworthy, energetic and capable," and another two columns listing more negative words such as "belligerent, greedy and . People will search for you online and check out your reputation when they are evaluating whether to hire you or partner with you. Remember: you'll require an element of consistency throughout everything you do. footprint or even at an interview to a prospective new employer. Since it is such a powerful marketing tool, you are going to want to spend enough time on it to make it fantastic and ensure that it projects exactly the image of you that you want. 5 Words to Describe Yourself When Building Your Personal Brand Whats most important to me is that my clients gain insights and walk away with an aha moment, something they learned that makes an impact in their professional lives. A personal brand statement is a 1-2 sentence that sums up your brand. Mix and match them to create a professional persona that accurately reflects who you are. Use the personal branding statement examples below for inspiration when coming up with your own. This helps develop the clients personal brand because these words formulate key selling points of the client to a prospective employer in a job interview. There are no two ways about it. Or will you Additionally, think about how you react during tough times and if you are the type who can be trusted by executive partners to proactively build cohesiveness within the infrastructure and lead teams to become stronger and more resilient. When it comes to personal branding, there are certain words that can make all the difference. Your personal brand statement combines these into a short, punchy narrative. Companies are always changing, and growth is part of the process in any company (from start-ups to even those on the verge of an IPO). and even prospective clients. How to describe fashion style? - Nutritionless Darrell Franklin. Your values and goals change over time, so it makes sense that your personal brand statement would as well. Although this is a great place to put it, too often we see people ignore LinkedIn as an outlet. Take a look at this example in which someone calls herself an influencer of change.. I wonder if you see that pattern, too. Everyone has such descriptive words. You spent time on it, dont you want others to see it? For networking, job searches, and overall career development, having a personal brand statement provides a lot of benefits. Why? Then, ask a close friend or co-worker what 3 words they'd use.