A person who is having the craic is having fun, as in Ah, man, Im dying. We returned from the pub at 2:00, but we continued to have fun until 7:00. You dropped your wallet. Good God, it just occurred to me how many Irish proverbs there are for foul weather! Please share your feedback in the box below. For instance, Mary, what a wonderful day it is today.. For instance, Stop, I know. Most frequently, it is used in response to the questions Hows it going and How are you feeling? How are you doing today? So, whats the craic? Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, if one person calls you thick, he or she thinks you are stupid. Example: What is this mess? Meaning: (Expression) A grand aul day is an expression used in Ireland when the weather is perfect. Moderate precipitation. Give me a shot. Youre one can short of six. Not to be confused with the following. . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here are a few Irish expressions that I frequently use. Email: Word: Define: Hes a sad little bugger. . People often answer with this expression when someone tells them something great. Hammered is the word Irish people use when they drink too much and get intoxicated. Example: Gday beour. Irish slang is a rich verbal tradition rooted in the hard and hearty struggles of the Irish people, who are predominantly Celtic in ethnicity. With my guide to certain Irish lingo, you will understand what the phrases mean and fit right in! Example: Get away from me, melter! Did I mess up? Like, Ill see you in 20. I must first gather the messages. The words Class and Pure are frequently used together. He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. The most comprehensive online dictionary of Irish Slang. I'm steamin' - you might hear this at the pub 18. For instance, Oh well! Pronounced as ki-togue, it is an Irish slang that usually refers to a left-handed person. See good, sound, sound as. Translation: Im not planning on getting absolutely hammered, but one might very well turn into 15. Can you use your jumper cables to give it a lash? Shut your bake, you clown, for instance. Translation: Quiet down. Meaning: (Expression) The word cracking is another Irish slang for good. It is mostly used in Northern Ireland. Meaning: (Noun) The messages is an Irish term for shopping or groceries. Not to be confused with deadlys actual meaning of dangerous. Even more deadly slang that is unique to Ireland and the Irish. A nice way to say f*ck is feck. Feck this, Im not listening to him shitting on for any longer, or That fecker was in here mooching about the place again this morning, for instance. She can be mean or acts unrespectable. Example: How could you come to this kind of place? We like her! There are three languages spoken in Ireland: Irish (Gaeilge), Ullans (in Northern Ireland), and English. Example: Why dont we go on dander and have a picnic? By half past ten, I had locked myself in bed. Example: You were in a heap last night! Barns in Ireland often do not have doors, which is why youll hear this being asked of those who forget to close the door behind them. Im famished! 10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Wicklow, Most Beautiful Irish Names and What They Mean, What To Eat in Hawaii? or Ive never tried that before, but Ill definitely give it a lash. He already tried to trick me. I laughed until my belly hurt! Example: "Stop acting the maggot." 24. Where's the jacks? My stomach thinks my throats been cut An Irish slang phrase to indicate you are hungry. You got a bad dose of it, didn't you. 3. Irish slang words and phrases and how to use them The state of you! Example: Shes a cute hoor for always getting what she wants. The weather is sunny. I dont know, but it sounds like some Irish slang Ive heard my entire life. This term is used as a derogatory word. Give it a lash has many different applications. Example: Get away from that sleeveen! Ill burst ye Can be used to indicate youre going to swing for someone/hit them. When something (or someone) is not functioning properly, it is said to be broken. You could grow potatoes in those ears This is used to tell someone they are not paying attention/hearing you and is used instead of saying clean out your ears. Meaning: (Noun) Midden was originally a Scottish word that later on was used to call an unattractive person from Ireland. Ask any Irish person! She's only an aul wagon 8. She was down here last Sunday, for instance. Cop on to yourself Used to tell someone to pull themselves together. Meaning: You're a disgrace Example of usage and translation: "Oh my god, she was an absolute state. It is often used vulgarly, but can also be used in day-to-day conversations. Meaning: (Phrase) When you hear someone say sure look, it means it is what it is or a person is bored but does not want to talk more. It can also be used to indicate someone is irritated or angry. For instance, Here. Convert from English to Irish speak. Meaning: (Noun) The word beour is Irish slang for an attractive girl. Hewya, me auld segotias An old Irish way of saying hi my friend. WHY did I have the second bottle of wine, for instance. You will often hear Irish expats say I havent heard that in donkeys years meaning whatever it is being said to them, they havent heard that in years and years. can also be used as a salutation, as in Ah, Tony. Hows the fun? Catch yourself on . Yer man over there (with pointing or nodding of the head) This indicates that man over there. It can mean you understand. Why? 2. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase bang on is used as a response when someone is asking how you are. . If you think your new Irish friend is friendly, helpful or generally a good soul, you can describe them as 'sound'. It can mean someone is an idiot, a bit silly or just plain stupid. There are many different Irish slang terms for drunk or for someone who has consumed excessive amounts of alcohol. This is said often in my area of Dublin as a bit of humour. Its a grand, soft day Means its a rainy day, but more so fine, misty rain than pouring rain. Sorry pal, can you tell me where the jacks is? is one example. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang shifting is used when two people are making out. At my previous job, I shared a building with about 250 individuals representing 34 nations. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Meaning: (Expression) The Irish phrase give it a lash is used to encourage a person to pursue something or give it a go.. Although he is from Malahide, he is spot on. Meaning: (Expression) Its rotten is another way of saying its raining in Ireland. For instance, Please let me know he canceled training. The outside is rotten. The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. 16. According to Irish Central, the craic was 90 signifies "the nirvana of craic," though it can also be used sarcastically. Give it a lash This is used to tell someone to give it a go, try it, give it a whirl. Dryshite A term used to describe someone who is boring, really boring. When describing something or someone who is in a bad situation, the phrase in bits is used. . Be wide, my friend! About 20 times a day, I use this. Shed talk the hind legs off a donkey This girl/woman is a right chatterbox, never stops talking. We only had a few shots of whiskey. Meaning: (Adjective) Flutered is used to describe a person who is drunk. Fear no more. They can often be used in jest as well as in spite. Meaning: (Greeting) Hows she cutting is an expression used when you are overly excited upon seeing a friend. Shes up there giving out to Tony about something, for instance. Meaning: (Expression) Its pissing down is a term used in Ireland when its a rainy day. Example: My son is a chancer, alright. Irish people will say, Fair play, when they want to congratulate someone. Meaning: (Noun) The term bog is an Irish word for people of the lowest class. Meaning: (Expression) The phrase Its pure shit means that its a rainy day. Youll hear stall it when someone wants to pause at a shop and pop inside and they need their friends to stop and wait. I had a rotten drunken night. Bloody Can be used instead of the f-word or its connotations above. Sound Out - 1. For instance, Last night, her new fella was here. Work on your Irish accent, practicing the inflection and sound of consonants and vowels. Example: You went to the beach? It might still be long, just a slightly shorter version of the whole story. Irish In origin. Acting the maggot This Irish slang term is used to say someone was acting the eejit, being stupid, fooling around and is often prefaced by the word STOP. Given the lack of dry days in Ireland, youll be lucky to hear this said too often! Explore Irish Slang: 34 Must-Know Words & Phrases | Promova Blog Example: Houl yer whisht! +100 Irish Slang Words To Sound Like A Local - Travel Pixy Example: Dont forget your raincoat and boots. The term used to describe filthy or dung-filled people. Meaning: (Adjective) Mouldy or mullered is a term mostly used in Drogheda, Ireland, and is used to describe a drunk person. Your email address will not be published. My stomach hurts so badly. This is one of those funny Irish phrases that an Irish parent will shout after their children when they insist on doing something that might hurt them. I clipped the wing mirror off the pillar yesterday, as an illustration. Go away outta that This is another Irish phrase that has a few meanings, depending on the situation. For instance, use your umbrella to Gway out of that. I heard from Noley that you were attending to your hemorrhoids. Gaff The Irish slang word for house. That yung wan 18. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. People can also say Im roasting meaning Im really hot. For instance, She ultimately passed her exams. 2023 LetsLearnSlang.com - The Best Place to Learn New Slang Terms & Phrases, 101+ Hawaii Slang & Pidgin Phrases (Complete List), 30 Minnesota Slang Words, Sayings and Phrases (Complete List), 41 Alabama Words, Sayings & Phrases (Complete List), 130+ New York Slang Words and Meanings (The Ultimate Guide), Top 10 Other Words for Hasty (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dazzling (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Dying (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Precedent (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Expensive (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Respond (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Mundane (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Profitable (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Eccentric (Explained w Examples), Top 10 Other Words for Recognition (Explained w Examples). For instance, He had three bottles of Coke and a bag of Skittles an hour ago; hes been on high doh ever since.. Jammers when someone says it was jammers this means the bus/pub/train was packed with people. . Developed "straight from the horse's mouth". However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: Im having the craic this instant. Dont go anywhere alone with him. Simply means whats happening. Example: Lets go home. Example: Hey, hows the form? Its lashing/bucketing outside Means it is pouring with rain outside. You threw away all the important documents! Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. Ive split these into sections: slang Irish phrases, slang Irish words, Irish expressions used for saying hello, Irish slang phrases for drunk and also Irish slang insults and swear words. Howaya! Meaning: (Expression) The expression whats the craic? is when a person asks you how you are. I will, yes. I don't know, but it sounds like some Irish slang I've heard my entire life. drunk and banned. Wind yer neck in - shut up 17. Irish Slang Words, Irish proverbs for describing the weather, pp. I know. Dont worry; slagging is light-heartedly mocking someone and is often witnessed amongst friends. But you may also hear people refer to someone as Sound when they are endorsing them, as in That guy from around the corner fixed the engine. Hes a good young man. Beautiful cliffs overlooking the ocean will definitely take anyones breath away. A manky day out refers to a day that is grey, miserable and probably raining too. I am not familiar with any books. She only needed four years. Im very proud of him. Theres a grand aul stretch in the evenings This is often uttered in springtime, particularly when the clocks have moved forward in March and evenings are staying brighter for longer. Hes a gowl and a half that boy, for instance. The word comes from how Irish people pronounce idiot.. Youre a savage! Example: What a grand aul day it is. It even includes a guide to reading between the lines of what the Irish are really saying when they address you read it carefully! Both deadly and class are not always used to describe a lesson. Example: You better teach the chiseler not to mess with my things. Its gas! Example: Youre acting like a goon! A place where members can be honest with each other, share their stories and travel photos, and try out a new way to see Ireland together. a favorite of mine. Meaning: (Expression) The expression good woman is an exclamation used when a person is surprised or in disbelief. Meaning: (Noun) The slang yer wan in Ireland is usually used to call a female person youve forgotten. Example: You gowl! Example: Are you alright? This is a phrase that is frequently used to indicate how long it has been since someone has been seen or something has been done. For instance, She won money down the bingo this week once more. Jammy hoor! Well done, her. That lad keeps texting me, for instance. Meaning: (Expression) Bucketing down is one of the most used Irish slang phrases when there is a heavy downpour of rain.
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