Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. [6], A systematic program of pacification followed in which the populace was resettled in hundreds of stockaded villages and organized into militia. The river flooded constantly, and other natural disasters also occurred. Without a clear enemy to fight against, brutality against civilians became more common. The Qings were from Manchuria, and they established their dynasty as a conquering force of the Ming dynasty by non-Chinese outsiders, maintaining that identity and organization throughout their 268-year reign. Fall of China's Qing Dynasty: Causes and Consequences - ThoughtCo [citation needed], For the 14th-century rebellion also related to the White Lotus, see, Last edited on 14 February 2023, at 03:10, "Civilians Go into Battle: Hired Militias in the White Lotus War, 17961805",, Dai, Yingcong. The grew in number and power and eventually, into a serious concern for the government. Update now. Having attained the Mandate of Heaven and the status of Emperor, he took the title Hongwu and founded a new dynasty - the Ming. Due to their brutality, the Qing troops were soon nicknamed the "Red Lotus" Society. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Red Turban Rebellion which took place in 1352, was led by the White Lotus group. Japan stripped away Taiwan, took effective control of Korea (formerly a Chinese tributary) following the First Sino-Japanese War of 189596, and also imposed unequal trade demands in the 1895 Treaty of Shimonoseki. He did not distribute captured wealth or food supplies, nor did he promise to lessen the tax burden. All our content comes from Wikipedia and under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, A pattern emerged of growing rice in the valley bottoms, corn on the lower mountain slopes, and Irish potatoes on the higher land. This internecine war lasted over ten years, at a cost of tens of thousands of lives and an expenditure, by the government alone, of two hundred million taels in money. The White Lotus peasant rebellion broke out in 1795 (White Lotus was the name of a secret society that had first fought against the Mongols). This rebellion wasn't the direct down fall of the Qing dynasty. After the strnggle had lasted six years, Lin Chi-hich was captunredd. The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. . ThoughtCo. According to Ter Haar, it is clear that the "White Lotus" rebels of the uprisings that occurred between 1796 and 1804 did not voluntarily use the term "White Lotus" to refer to themselves or their movement. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The young pretender, Wang Fa-sheng, was never any other than a puppet in the hands of the leaders. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. The White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1804 In the deeply forested border area between the provinces Hubei, Sichuan and Shaanxi, a lot of homeless "floating" people (liumin ) had gathered to escape the grip of landowners, creditors and tax collectors. After both died in battle in 1796, Beijing sent new officials but none were successful. In China, the Qing Dynasty had just put down the White Lotus Rebellion, a tax protest that ultimately killed about 16 million people a reminder that mass death and population growth don't . Beginning as tax protests, the eventual rebellion gained growing support and sympathy from many ordinary people. Soon the new migrants began to outnumber the indigenous people, and conflict over local leadership grew and grew strong. The Qing state banned the religion, and it, The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (11271279). In the stockades they were organized into local militia defense corps. Wang Lun likely failed because he did not make any attempts to raise wide public support. This signaled the beginning of the end for the Qing dynasty. Buddhist sects, such as the White Lotus sect, a group that attracted many followers among the Chinese lower classes. By 1900, foreign powers including Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan had established "spheres of influence" along China's coastal areas. The White Lotus Rebellion 1796-1804 In the densely forested border area between the provinces Hubei, Sichuan and Shaanxi, a lot of homeless peasant refugees(liumin, see also shed people) had gathered to escape the grip of landowners, creditors and tax collectors. The White Lotus Rebellion was put down in 1805 as a combination of military and social policies. "White Lotus Rebellion . "Broken Passage to the Summit: Nayanchengs Botched Mission in the White Lotus War." In 1805, the imperial authorities suppressed the White Lotus Rebellion by instituting a combination of military and social policies. It broke out (1796) among impoverished settlers in the mountainous region that separates Sichuan prov. The White Lotus Rebellion was put down in 1805 as a combination of military and social policies. In 2014, with the publication of White Lotus Rebels and South China Pirates: Crisis and Reform in the Qing Empire (2014), Wensheng Wang challenged the perception of the Jiaqing reign (1796-1802) as a "dead middle hiatus" between its past and present by arguing that the emperor successfully carried out policy reforms that readjusted the priorities of governance and enabled the dynasty to . Corrections? It had cost the lives of countless civilians and regular troops, including more than 400 high officers, and consumed more than 200 million liang /tael, which corresponded to four times the annual revenues of the state treasury. // There the foreign powers essentially controlled trade and the military, although technically they remained part of Qing China. In 1794, a similar movement arose in the mountainous region that separated Sichuan province from Hubei and Shaanxi provinces in central China, initially as a tax protest. Ch'ien-lung (1711-1799) was the fourth emperor of the Ch'ing, or Manchu, dynasty in China. After both died in battle in 1796, the Qing government sent new officials, but none were successful. "The Great Yn: China's Last Imperial Dynasty" WIP This rebellion was less successful than that of the Red Turbans, and the Qing government succeeded in crushing this uprising. His rule covered a span of 63 years, a reign lo, Kublai Khan Chien-lung | At the same time, technologies for treating contagious diseases such as smallpox, and the extensive use of fertilizers and irrigation techniques were also imported from the West. id The White Lotus Society is traditionally considered to have first appeared during the Jin dynasty founded by Huiyuan in Mountain Lu, Jiujiang. _____ us amazing stories about her youth in Hong Kong. Approximately 7,000 Banner troops were sent in from Manchuria in combination with Green Standard Army soldiers from Guizhou and Yunnan as well as tens of thousands of local mercenaries. Since then, this book has become an invaluable source because it has enabled scholars to understand the beliefs of these groups. White Lotus Rebellion, (1796-1804), large-scale uprising in the mountainous regions of central China that contributed to the decline of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911/12). XIX Century Civil Wars. The White Lotus Rebellion began as a tax protest led by the White Lotus Society, a secret religious society. The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (11271279). White Lotus Rebellion - Wikipedia At first the Ch'ing administration, under the control of Ho-shen, sent inadequate and inefficient imperial forces to suppress the ill-organized rebels. An independent military force, the militia proved difficult to disband, and frequently it turned against the dynasty in the early 20th century. The Qing commanders who were sent to repress the rebellion had a difficult time putting down the White Lotus. The group later reemerged in the late 18th century in the form of an inspired Chinese movement. During much of that time, China was the single, undisputed superpower in East Asia, with neighboring lands such as Korea, Vietnam, and an often-reluctant Japan trailing in its cultural wake. That history stretched back at least as far as 221 BCE when Qin Shi Huangdi first united China into a single empire. The feared Manchu banners, since their conquests of the early 1700s, showed they were no longer a military force of much value, and the emperor had to recruit a new army made up of Chinese militia. [4] The term was only used by the millenarian rebels under intense pressure during government interrogations. The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (1127-1279). The Cult of the White Lotus, a secret revolutionary society, has once again become popular among the common people. And so the war was waged. Members of the society were not ethnically different from Han Chinese, but subscribed to a belief based on a mixture of Taoism, Buddhism, and Manichaeism. The White Lotus society (Bailianjiao) was a religious cult already in existence in the Nan (Southern) Song dynasty (1127-1279). Beginning as enslavement protests, the eventual rebellion gained growing support and sympathy from many citizens. Since the 1340s, the Mongol Yuan Dynasty was experiencing problems. It took almost ten years and huge financial waste to defeat the badly equipped White Lotus Rebellion (1795-1804), partly by legitimizing militias led by local Hn Chinese elites. In its last stage, the Qing suppression policy combined the pursuit and extermination of rebel guerrilla bands with a program of amnesty for deserters. The Qing dynasty promoted itself as a conquering force, ruling China for 268 years before collapsing in 19111912. [12] The experience of suppressing the rebellion led to improvement in the organization and training of the militia, as many of their leaders wrote extensively on mobilization, enlistment and local defense methods. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Therefore, its best to use citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, cannot guarantee each citation it generates. A major contribution to the downfall of the last dynasty were external forces, in the form of new Western technologies, as well as a gross miscalculation on the part of the Qing as to the strength of European and Asian imperialistic ambitions. Omissions? One such official was Huang Yupian (), who refuted the ideas which were found in the scriptures which expressed orthodox Confucian and Buddhist views in A Detailed Refutation of Heresy ( Pxi Xingbin), which was written in 1838. Though many movements and rebellions were considered by imperial bureaucrats to have been led by White Lotus Society leaders, there is reason to doubt that the White Lotus Society had any organizational unity. from Hubei and Shaanxi provs. White Lotus Rebellion | Chinese history | Britannica Although the rebellion was finally crushed by the Qing government after eight years of fighting, it marked a sharp decline in the strength and prosperity of the Qing dynasty. He declared that to prevent the capture of the young prince when a child, he had fled with him and concealed him beyond the borders of China. These three Atlantic RevolutionsAmerican, French, and Haitianwere part of a broader world crisis at the end of the eighteenth century. The Qing had forbidden agriculture in the northern regions, which were left to the Mongol pastoralists, but the introduction of new world crops such as potato and maize opened the northern region plains farming. However, the date of retrieval is often important. Forty-eight years later, Zeng Guofan, leader of Hunan-based Xiang Army studied the Qing government's methods during the White Lotus Rebellion and he was inspired by them while he was considering ways to suppress the Taiping Rebellion. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Unable to build up a support base, he was forced to quickly flee all three cities that he attacked in order to evade government troops. - marked a turning point in the history of the Qing dynasty. Definition 1 / 6 - rebellion began in 1794; rebellion initiated by followers of the White Lotus movement during the Qing dynasty of China - large groups of rebels claiming White Lotus affiliations rose up within the mountainous region that separated Sichuan province from Hubei and Shaanxi provinces The rebels are all our own subjects. On assuming effective power in 1799, however, Emperor Chia Ch'ing (reigned 17961820) overthrew the Ho-shen clique and gave support to the efforts of the more vigorous Manchu commanders as a way of restoring discipline and morale. Sun Yat-Sen was elected the first president of China, and the Republican era of China had begun. The History of White Lotus Rebellion - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia Other White Lotus spinoffs include the Eight Trigrams, the Tiger Whips, and the Yihequan (Boxers). In 1805, the imperial authorities suppressed the White Lotus Rebellion by instituting a combination of military and social policies. Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. A CHOICE OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLE The White Lotus War (1796-1804) in central China marked the end of the Qing dynasty's golden age and the fatal weakening of the imperial system itself. The end of the White Lotus Rebellion in 1804 also brought an end to the myth of the military invincibility of the Manchus, contributing to the increasing frequency of rebellions in the 19th century. Qing control weakened and prosperity diminished by the 19th century. Qing rule gradually collapsed during the second half of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th, due to a complicated interplay between internal and external factors. The rules of Emperor Kangxi from 1661 to 1772 and Emperor Qianlong from 1735 to 1796 were still considered the golden age of prosperity. Wang Lun likely failed because he did not make any attempts to raise wide public support.