MALDEFs 2004 lawsuit, GI Forum of Texas v. State of Texas, consolidated with three other lawsuits as League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry, challenges the Texas Legislatures 2003 redistricting plan. Over the course of our 50-year history, MALDEFs litigation and advocacy efforts have spurred reforms and led to new laws and policies with wide-ranging impact for the Latino community and the nation as a whole. MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) opened its doors on August 1, 1968 in San Antonio, Texas. !, Kellyanne Conway Finally Divorces Extremely Unattractive Loser Lincoln Projects George Conway President Trump Responds, Must See: Pfizer is Unable to Finish Press Conference Because their Spokespeople Keep Collapsing Hysterical Parody Video by The Babylon Bee, Fauci Gets Fact-Checked: DC Diner Gives Dr. Tony Fauci Much-Needed Feedback, Dr. Peter McCullough On The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification, Pompeo Takes a Shot at Trump in CPAC Speech (VIDEO). For 50 years, MALDEF has been at work to achieve some of the most important legal victories advancing the civil rights of Latinos in the United States. Some people are more important than others apparently because they get two votes, the rest of us only get one.. Patrick Colbeck - Wikipedia Colbeck said coronavirus rules were central to obstruction of the voting process. Our first legal victory came soon after our founding in 1968. A state court rules for the first time in New Mexicos history that education is a fundamental right under the state constitution. Our commitment is to protect and defend the rights of all Latinos living in the United States and the constitutional rights of all Americans. 4 Family Life Lane In the 1990s and the early 2000s, retailer Abercrombie & Fitch, was the hottest place for Workers who are hired by the day have long been part of the American labor force. MALDEF opens its doors in San Antonio, Texas after receiving a $2.2 million grant from the Ford Foundation to spend over five years. In July 2020, I stepped down from my position as CEO of the MI Armed Forces Hospitality Center (aka MI Freedom Center) to dedicate my time to preserving the integrity of our elections and our constitutional republic.  In reward for these efforts, Dominion is threatening to sue me for exposing e. Thank you for continuing to SIGN and SHARE all our election-related petitions. His life experiences have prepared him for this exact role. Copyright 2023 NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. Death Row USA: Death Penalty Cases and Statistics by State. The fund can be public or private and is set up for individuals, organizations, or for a particular purpose. MALDEF draws public attention after a judge rules that school officials in Hidalgo County, Texas violated the First Amendment rights of students expelled from Edcouch-Elsa High School after boycotting classes in protest of school district policies. The case began MALDEFs legacy of standing up for the rights of Latino students exemplified by MALDEFs victory in the U.S. Supreme Courts landmark 1982 ruling in Plyler v. Doe that guarantees every child in America a free K-12 public school education, regardless of immigration status. These devices are commonly used to regulate the output of a system to achieve a desired setpoint. ____________________________________________________________________. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. In the meantime, you may still sign this petition. The lawsuit leads to a state court ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in July 2018. Thisabout whether or not the sanctity of the ballot box has beentampered with! Hes also an accomplished aerospace engineer. Frankly, thats the most important one. Colbeck alluded to the Stalin quote that its he who counts the votes that counts, and to his concern about Detroits lack of tabulated results. MALDEF challenges a Redondo Beach anti-solicitation ordinance as a violation of the First Amendment guarantee of free expression. We are nationally recognized for our efforts to defend the Latino community. The 2020 election featured a complete breakdown in the election chain of custody. MALDEFs track record of protecting Latinos continued to grow into the 21st century. In MALDEFs first major national voting rights victory, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a lower court ruling finding multi-member voting districts in Texas are discriminatory and must be redrawn to allow Latinos and African Americans the chance to elect their own representatives. If you dont like what youre seeing or if they say, talk to the hand, and ignore you, then you can file a formal complaint, a poll challenge thats supposed to be entered into the poll book, which is kind of like a journal of the proceedings of the day as to who voted, who didnt vote, and what issues came up during the day. We continue to call for investigations to be made into allegations of election fraud. Late Tuesday, he was informed that the chamber's GOP leadership had removed him from the four committees . Goal: USD $25,000 Raised:USD $ 18,245 Give 222 Share 53 Pray 115 Recent Donations USD $ 250 Anonymous Donor 64 days ago I believe in you! We demand to know the truth, and, for the sake of our democracy, we demandthat President Trump keep fighting to learn the truth. MALDEF successfully moves to intervene in January 2015 in a lawsuit filed by Texas and 26 other states to President Obamas November 2014 announcement of Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA), and the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative. Front Royal, VA 22630, 157 Catharine St N, Unit 2 Imagine what Colbeck could accomplish if he had funding, subpoena powers, search warrants, and a team of honest FBI agents working under him. The challenge led to MALDEFs first major national victory, when the Supreme Courts ruling in White v. Regester struck a blow at racial gerrymandering and at-large elections systems. Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund. So I was very curious, I was like, how the heck are they doing this?, So I went back to Mr. Thomas repeatedly, kind of like the kid in the backseat on the way to Disneyworld, who says, Are we there yet? Even without this, the topics in the book cover a wide spectrum. MALDEF sues the national clothing retailer challenging recruiting and hiring practices that exclude minorities and women, in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Are we there yet? And for the first couple times he said, No I dont know yet. And finally he said, You know what, Im not gonna tell you until after things are done tomorrow. And mind you, this is my primary duty: to monitor the execution of these processes., Colbeck reminded viewers, Theres an old adage attributed to Josef Stalin: Its not he who votes that counts, its he who counts the votes that counts.. I dont care if you do it by throwing in a whole bunch of extra ballots or whether or not you decide to be savvy with SQL databases. MALDEF files a lawsuit in 1984 on behalf of families and school districts challenging Texas discriminatory method of financing its schools. A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals voids Proposition 200 in 2010. What we indeed found in this election is that theres a lot of people that have lived a very healthy life here in Michigan, he quipped. Campaign Created by: Patrick Colbeck The funds from this campaign will be received by Patrick Colbeck. But, this is not about Donald Trump or Joe Biden! The lawsuit leads to revised policies and a $50 million settlement in November 2004. But apparently the memo didnt get out to most of the poll workers. He likened himself to a kind of floor general of poll challengers, responsible for highlighting issues that other poll challengers brought to his attention. Colbeck said in a statement Monday he has only made $30,195 in "gross revenue" from memberships and donations to his company's website in the last nine months. Very few officials have access to see these results as they are automatically totaled and moved from polling place, to county, to other machines, and so on. The stuff that was really egregious, and frankly a threat to election integrity, wasnt that exciting. Therefore, we continue to seek the truth for the election outcome. . washington, d.c. office. Patrick Colbeck is a former Candidate for Governor and Two-Term State Senator in Michigan. Indeed, MALDEF got off the ground thanks in large part to the generous guidance and assistance offered by the legendary civil rights attorney Jack Greenberg, who was then the LDFs Director-Counsel. "Ex-Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck is raising money for a "legal defense fund" in part by having people send checks to him personally:" MALDEF's 50th Anniversary San Antonio Awards Gala, MALDEF Property Management Corporation (MPMC), CIVIL RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS CHALLENGED ABERCROMBIE & FITCHS UNLAWFUL HIRING TACTICS ON BEHALF OF LATINO, BLACK AND ASIAN AMERICAN YOUTH, The Legal Fight to Protect The First Amendment Right of Day Laborers,, White v. Regester - Oral Argument - February 26, 1973, Plyler v. Doe - Oral Argument - December 01, 1981, Comit de Jornaleros de Redondo Beach v. City of Redondo Beach (2004), League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry - Oral Argument - March 01, 2006, Gonzalez v Brewer oral argument Oct 20 2009, Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force v. Perry (2012), Luna v. Kern County Board of Supervisors (2018), Texas Partial State Senate Plan Dallas/Fort Worth (10/2/2021), Texas Partial State Senate Plan South Texas (10/2/2021), Texas Partial Congressional Plan Harris County (10/16/2021), California Statewide Congressional and Assembly Plans (10/11/2021), California Statewide Senate Plan (11/06/2021), California UPDATED Partial Congressional Plan (12/09/2021), Los Angeles City Council Plan (09/29/2021), Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Plan (10/26/2021), Orange County Board of Education Plan (11/12/2021), San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Plan (11/12/2021). Published November 9, 2020 at 3:23pm Comment Senator Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer, author, former elected official, and former candidate for governor in Michigan. Biden won Michigan in November, four years after the state narrowly went for former President Trump in 2016. Like the problematic nature of having SQL Server software tools installed on an election server. MALDEF was consciously modeled on the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). I worked doing cabling design for the space station, and I also am a certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist, said Colbeck. It was clear to me that they were attempting to steal the election. We believe that conducting forensic audits of ballots and voting machines, as well as issuing subpoenas to collect more evidence, would be a good start. Over the course of our 50-year history, MALDEFs litigation and advocacy efforts have spurred reforms and led to new laws and policies with wide-ranging impact for the Latino community and the nation as a whole. The U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the case in 2012. Its the comprehensive content you need before family gatherings, to crush liberals or coworkers, to help stop this fraud, or just to further your insight. Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck Gives Sworn Testimony: "We Got Visual The case led to greater equity of school funding. LDF Issues Response to Texas Governor's State of the State Address. So I kicked an empty box across the floor saying they are trying to steal the election. He's a former MI State Senator who understands the bureaucracy and its potential for corruption. Subscribe now. 279, but the book continues with a large appendix of evidence and audit work. Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund Home Press Releases Petition Reference Donate About Patrick Don't Let them get away with election fraud! Election fraud claims against Dominion, which issues voting machines to counties across the country and 66 of Michigan's 83 counties, have been fostered by Trump and his allies. He is a former Republican member of the Michigan Senate, having represented a northwestern portion of Wayne County from 2011 to 2019. Another early case set the table for MALDEFs long history of championing voting rights. Our efforts to strengthen equal voting and representational access were bolstered again in 2006 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in LULAC v. Perry, a lawsuit brought by MALDEF, that the Texas Legislatures 2003 redistricting plan denied Latino voters the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of the Voting Rights Act. They have been successful at silencing our voice in the media. Patrick Colbeck explained how he encountered blatant violations of voting law and procedure at every step of the process. These projects range from industrial scale activities like True The Vote, to regional efforts like those in Antrim, MI. Don't let them be successful in the courtroom! Senator Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer, author, former elected official, and former candidate for governor in Michigan. "In light of the information that has long been known to you and is additionally set forth above, the only responsible thing for you to do at this point is to publicly and forcefully retract your false claims about Dominion and set the record straight regarding the fake evidence and fake experts you have put forward," the complaint letter added. We are challenging private businesses that discriminate against immigrants. Our history is replete with victories that have had broad societal impact in each of these areas. The 2020 COUP includes images, charts, diagrams, letters, emails, and so on. Well said! The media repeat these phrases ad nauseum to convince the public that election was legitimate. Later in the decade, MALDEF was instrumental in the fight against California Proposition 187, the anti-immigrant statute that was largely struck down as unconstitutional by a federal court. Youve gotta make sure youre controlling the origins of these ballots, theres a lot of issues around ballot harvesting. MALDEF represents three undocumented mothers living in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. For instance, creating a visual to show the process and flow of election data? Weve got these things called dropboxes where theyre not monitored 24/7 or if they are, nobodys actually looking at it, said Colbeck. They never had a tally. Colbeck noted that vote tallies were supposed to be posted on red boards on the wall next to green boards containing initial zero tallies for each machine. All Rights Reserved. As a matter of fact, prior to the election I had written an editorial in the Detroit News highlighting how COVID was being used as an excuse to subvert election integrity. John D. Trasvia named president and general counsel of MALDEF. Thank you for SIGNING and SHARING this petition today! A judge agreed that the expulsions violated the students constitutional right to protest. In the 19th Century, they were immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Poland. Donate Online How Much will Legal Defense Cost? MALDEF went to court on behalf of 192 students at Edcouch Elsa High School in Hidalgo County, Texas, who were expelled after boycotting classes in protest of the local school boards refusal to hear their pleas on educational abuses. MALDEF draws public attention after a judge rules that school officials in Hidalgo County, Texas violated the First Amendment rights of students expelled from Edcouch-Elsa High School after boycotting classes in protest of school district policies. Isnt this the last place you should have a modem? Pennsylvania vote fraud hearing gets gasps from audience', 'FBI and Justice Department have dragged their feet investigating 2020 vote fraud', ''CNN top brass in leaked tape: We won't give Trump 'too much of a platform on his not conceding', 'Twitter censored Trump 63 times over Thanksgiving holiday, Biden untouched'. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. From a voters registration to their ballot tabulation officials need insure the paper trail for each ballot can be validated and is authentic. MALDEF moves its headquarters to San Francisco, California. Theletter, which wasobtained by the Detroit News, demands thatformer state Sen. Patrick Colbeck (R)stop spreading lies about Dominion, including his claims that Dominion machines were used to falsify votes for President Biden in the state. In MALDEFs first major national voting rights victory, the U.S. Supreme Court upholds a lower court ruling finding multi-member voting districts in Texas are discriminatory and must be redrawn to allow Latinos and African Americans the chance to elect their own representatives. MALDEF is headed by a President and General Counsel and is governed by a 30-member national Board of Directors. Legal fees run between $400/hr and $1300/hr. As soon as I heard that they were putting the military ballots in, I tried to get down, and I was blocked. PETITION UPDATE (12/7/20) - Since this petition was launched, President Trump's legal team, as well as other concerned citizens, have discovered what appears to be irrefutable evidence of voter fraud in several of the key battleground states, and have initiated legal challenges in six states. Colbeck served for two terms as Michigan state senator from the northwestern portion of Wayne County, which includes Detroit. If foreign countries, hackers, Democrats, space aliens, or anyone else had hacked into the Dominion machines in Antrim County and manipulated the vote tallies in those machines, then the machine tallies would not match the votes on the paper ballots in the possession of the Republican county officials, it continued. Patrick Colbeck Legal Defense Fund - He was the Vice-Chair of Elections and Government Reform. Colbeck connects the big picture to the evidence by way of their tactics. The U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the case in 2012. So now a third party, with dubious oversight is actually entering data into our first control point of the election, the qualified voter file.. For media inquiries, please contact: Legal Defense Fund Craig Mauger on Twitter: "Ex-Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck is raising Shalini Sasha Quattlebaum is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Patrick Fisher. Located close to the center of the McNamara Terminal, near Delta's Gate A43, we are open every day of the year. Post author By ; impossible burger font Post date July 1, 2022; southern california hunting dog training . MALDEF Property Management Corporation (MPMC),, White v. Regester - Oral Argument - February 26, 1973, Plyler v. Doe - Oral Argument - December 01, 1981, Comit de Jornaleros de Redondo Beach v. City of Redondo Beach (2004), League of United Latin American Citizens v. Perry - Oral Argument - March 01, 2006, Gonzalez v Brewer oral argument Oct 20 2009, Texas Latino Redistricting Task Force v. Perry (2012), Luna v. Kern County Board of Supervisors (2018), Texas Partial State Senate Plan Dallas/Fort Worth (10/2/2021), Texas Partial State Senate Plan South Texas (10/2/2021), Texas Partial Congressional Plan Harris County (10/16/2021), California Statewide Congressional and Assembly Plans (10/11/2021), California Statewide Senate Plan (11/06/2021), California UPDATED Partial Congressional Plan (12/09/2021), Los Angeles City Council Plan (09/29/2021), Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Plan (10/26/2021), Orange County Board of Education Plan (11/12/2021), San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Plan (11/12/2021). The 2020 COUP: What Happened. We challenged the presence of immigration agents in New Mexico public schools to arrest disciplined students, and we exposed blatant employment discrimination at Abercrombie & Fitch and secured a $50 million settlement. We use Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo to process funds and collect prayers. MALDEF was consciously modeled on the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF). 6 min read WASHINGTON A Michigan judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit alleging cheating during the Nov. 3 election, agreeing with the city of Detroit that most. Vilma S. Martinez is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. So they were not even supposed to be able to quote it. Second, the LDF was created to give a voice to NASW and the social work profession in the courts . They had no explanation for the ballots at the back of the TCF Center. Americans not only have a right to know, but should demand that every legitimate means be used to discover the truth about these elections! The company filed a $1.3 billion lawsuit against Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a similar suit against lawyer Sidney Powell, and a $1 billion suit against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. MALDEF moves its headquarters to Los Angeles. 1997-2023 Ste. The 1977 lawsuit leads to the landmark 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the constitutional right to a free K-12 public school education for all children regardless of immigration status. Must have been a cut and paste error on their part from their other filings.What they intended for evil, though, I am confident God will use for good. This fact should lead us to question how some allegations of voter fraud can be so easily dismissed by state election authorities. While that case was MALDEFs signature achievement in education, there are many more examples of why the E in our acronym stands for Educational. In 1984, MALDEF filed the landmark case of Edgewood v. Kirby, which charged that public school financing methods in Texas undercut low-income schools in violation of state constitutional mandates requiring the legislature to provide an efficient and free public school system. As a matter of fact, they even went to the extreme of putting up cardboard over the windows so nobody could look in to see what was going on.