And just as a Palestinian state would maintain a demographic balance in favour of Palestinians, so the Jewish state of Israel maintains a demographic balance in favour of Jews by controlling immigration. 628 Man has a choice and Jesus gives a plea to mankind: I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. Ezra The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. Who are the Patriarchs of Israel & What is their significance? CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF JEWISH DECLINE, CAPTIVITY & RETURN - Jenny & Steve Muslims conquered The Levant (which embraces all of Israel and much more, link) in the 7th century and the land of Israel remained in Muslim hands (apart from the brief Crusader period) until liberated from the Muslim Turks by the British in 1917. Instead, every voter votes for a single party. Others associated them with God's people throughout all history, others with an end time Messianic Jewish remnant, and still others with the last generation of Christians (spiritual Israel), link. 638 Muslim/Arab conquest of the Holy Land completed. FIRST SIEGE We also see Gods amazing protection (as in the 6-day war), and God building a numerous people as in the birth of numerous sons and daughters. (see Acts 26:7, Jas1:1, Re 21:12 as support that these 10 tribes are not lost). Without doubt there is an overall bias in the UN against Israel. Bible Prophets - Old Testament Major and Minor Prophets 691 On top of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock is built by Caliph Abd el-Malik. Where did they settle after leaving their captors? 458 BC Ezra returns to Jerusalem with second wave of Jews to continue rebuilding the Second Temple. The majority of people supported the pope in Rome as the legitimate pope. The reader is left in a maze, either groping for a mere ethereal and imaginary temple that was never supposed to have any substantial existence at all, or else being presented with an actual sanctuary set in an environment which clashes at every turn with the plans and specifications outlined by the prophet." Where? David Ben-Gurion became the first Prime Minister. James 0000004479 00000 n The Babylonian Captivity (with map) - Bible History John goes on to say that all who believe in Jesus are given the right to become children of God. Sadly, this legal fact is often ignored by the UN. Kings of Judah. In Genesis chapter 1 we read that God made mankind male and female and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply. Sargon carried into captivity the rest of Israel ( 2 Kgs. 2 Ch 34,35. I suggest that you record the dates of events in the margin next to the corresponding Scripture. It is quite remarkable how Israel has survived attacks from overwhelming invading armies. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Read each chapter carefully and do the following: a. Israel is often accused of being the aggressor in conflicts, whereas Israel claims she wages defensive war after provocation, link. The people of Judah didn't learn from this example. Joel The book of Genesis says that God made a great promise to Abraham (the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant): through you I will bless all the nations. Pur had carried away many captives back to his homeland. The result of such unbiblical teaching is that the institutionalized church takes the worlds view and essentially rejects modern-day Israel, and so pays little attention to end-time prophecy about Israel. This is particularly true for orthodox Jews who believe that Jerusalem is center-stage of the land of Canaan promised to Abrahams descendants, and for Christians who believe that Jesus was crucified and resurrected in the city, and will soon return to the Mount of Olives just east of the Old City. The Bible chronology trail picks up when Jacob tells his age of 130 years to Pharaoh as previously mentioned. Israels future borders are clearly defined in Ezek 47.13-20, and again the eastern boundary runs along the Jordan (v18). Nations will willingly go up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD and listen to His teaching (Mic 4.2 Isa 66.23). Deuteronomy Israel was captured by Babylon in 597 BCE. That is why his descendants, the Israelites, are blessed. %%EOF 1450 BC Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Since Israels establishment in 1948, the country has almost tripled the territory used for farming and production has multiplied 16 times. The pope in France had fewer supporters, and was referred to as the antipope by Rome. God said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your fathers house, to a land that I will show you. Jews have won a total of 41% of all the Nobel Prizes in economics, 28% of medicine, 26% of physics and 19% of chemistry. SECTION 4: Chapters 3339: Prophecies about Israel's Restoration. Below are some of the key words and phrases you will be looking for. From around 586 BC until modern times, the land of Israel or Holy Land was ruled by Gentile powers: World Government: The four historical empires in bold type (Babylonian, Persian, Greek and Roman) are in fact the four great empires prophesied to rule over Israel before the Second Coming of Christ (Dan 2.31-45). It has become an important part of both Judaism and Christianity. Looking at the various sufferings of Paul, and understanding how we too might suffer as Christians. The descendants of Jacob (Israel) were the twelve tribes of Israel and they settled in the Promised Land of Canaan (enlarge map). Israels eastern border is of particular concern since it involves the West Bank. Timeline of Events - Bible History (Bibliotheca Sacra Volume 105 Page 418-419, 1948). NORTHERN KINGDOM (ISRAEL) FACT: the kingdoms of David and Solomon c1000 BC did indeed stretch from the brook of Egypt on the Sinai peninsula (not the Nile), across the Syrian Desert to Tiphsah on the Euphrates. The Jews of the Holy Land are thus surrounded by hostile states 650 times their size in territory and sixty times their population, yet their last, best hope of ending two millennia of international persecution, the State of Israel has somehow survived. 2 Ki 18:9-12. Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, and Iraq attack Israel, but within a year, Israel defeated its attackers. 0000002312 00000 n They are of course the twelve tribes descended from Jacob (whose name was changed by God to Israel). Mark every reference to the time of a vision and key words or phrases. DEFEATED BY ASSYRIA. Lets read about the creation of mankind: Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed. Of His sanctuary near Jerusalem the LORD says: This is the place of My feet, where I shall dwell in the midst of the children of Israel (Ezek 43.7), Millennial life around Jerusalem is described in some detail. When Assyria was a world power, Israel was captured and its people exiled northward to the area whence Abraham had come so long ago. Most of the following questions can be answered from a careful study of the Timeline. Abraham!, Do not lay a hand on the boy, he said. Paul refers to an enduring remnant of Israel: Though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace (Rom 9.27, 11.5). Learn from the convenience of your own home. Paul is saying that both creation and man himself groan due to imperfection and mortality. He proved that too, by His resurrection from the dead. Jerusalem was first divided through the 1948-49 Arab invasion of Israel, but at no time was East Jerusalem under legal ownership by an Arab entity. 1904 Second large-scale immigration from Russia and Poland. Avignon Papacy | Papal Court, Western Schism & the Three Popes. }. 1333 Franciscan Order established in Jerusalem. From those same passages, why does the glory depart? That includes the West Bank. The phrase "know that I am the Lord" is not used in this final segment. 1947 The United Nations approved the partition of Israel into separate Jewish and Arab states on November 29, 1947. But this 3,000 year old nation goes on: Israel was not created in order to disappear Israel will endure and flourish. There are many prophecies of the ingathering of national Israel and her remarriage to her God. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. The Knesset has legislative power and comprises 120 members who are also elected for a term of four years in nationwide elections. Crowning his achievements was the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, which became the center of the Jewish people's national and religious life. Chart of the History of Israel - Old Testament History After some 2,500 years of dispersion amongst the nations, Israel will again take on her intended role in the world: You are My witnesses says the Lord, And My servant whom I have chosen (Isa 43.10). And that is what we are here for today, to reiterate Israels right to self-defense, inherent in all legitimate countries. The problem here is that Israel has already declared Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel, and this is compounded by the Palestinian leadership which does not even recognize the Jewish State: Palestine will not recognize Israel as Jewish state [Abbas, 2014]. Watch for every reference to the son of man. 0000011197 00000 n Ezekiel }); succeed. 2. Here we read the final verses of the Bible, and the promise and warning of Jesus. Daniel The table below shows the kings who reigned in Israel and Judah. God said to him: Then God said, Take your son, your only son, whom you loveIsaacand go to the region of Moriah. Israel may be seeing these blessings today (enlarge map). In fact, at one point, King Phillip IV had the pope suppress the Knights Templar. I would like to speak to you today as an historian, because it seems to me that the State of Israel has packed more history into her 62 years on the planet than many other nations have in six hundred. If you have room in your Bible at the beginning of the chapter, record your title once you are satisfied that the title really summarizes whats in the chapter. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son., Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ramcaught by its horns. The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. Although they make up less than half of one percent of the world population, between 1901 and 1950 Jews won 14% of all the Nobel Prizes awarded for Literature and Science, and between 1951 and 2000 Jews won 32% of the Nobel Prizes for Medicine, 32% for Physics, 39% for Economics and 29% for Science. Ezekiel would see visions of another temple and another Jerusalem a city that would be known by the glorious name Jehovahshammah, the LORD is there! Now there were two popes, and Catholics were unsure of who officially held authority. But with a rapidly growing population, Israels total annual renewable natural sources of fresh water are well below the UN definition of water poverty. In Romansthe 3rd chapter, the apostle Paul wrote: They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. 5. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. 0000001672 00000 n Be especially alert to mark the phrase know that I am the LORD. I organized the chart so that the prophets of Israel are grouped together; as are the prophets of Judah. Only one lonely voice disturbed their peace the voice of Jeremiah prophesying in Judah (cf Jer 1:9, 10). He implied that Israel will be the vortex of the nations at the end of this age and the sign of His soon return. function googleTranslateElementInit() { The truth is that a New Heaven and a New Earth is prophesied. Image: Emmanuelm [CC-BY-3.0], Wikimedia Commons. Timeline of the Hebrew prophets - Wikipedia 965925 BC Solomons reign; glory years of the Kingdom of Israel. 5:26) to Assyria; in 721 B.C. God indeed intervenes in world affairs! NO: The terms Jerusalem and Zion do not even appear in the Quran, and Mohammad never visited Jerusalem in person. Kibbutzim played a key role in Israels agricultural development, defense and political leadership, 1917: Balfour Declaration: the British government supported Zionist plans for a Jewish national home in Palestine, and General Allenby liberated Jerusalem from the Turks, giving Jews access to the city, 1920: The San Remo Peace Conference gave Britain a provisional Mandate for Palestine based upon the Balfour declaration, 1922: The League of Nations gave unanimous approval for a Jewish national homeland in Palestine and formalized the British Mandate, 1947: Arab nations reject the UN Partition Plan for an Arab state and a Jewish state, 1947: The Exodus, a refugee ship, was captured by the British off Palestine and 4,500 Holocaust survivors returned to German prison camps, 1948: Establishment of the State of Israel and declared open for Jewish immigration. According to historian Richard Hartmann, these communities were ethnologically a chaos of all the possible human combinations and so did not share a common Arab identity. Nature & Climate I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. SECTION 3: Chapters 2532: Prophecies concerning the Nations. The apostle John boldly tells us that all we observe was made through Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew). Clearly, the tribulations of the Hebrews, in the Old Testament times, always had to do with their sins and they would end whenever they would take responsibility and repent to God. (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin and onyx are also there.) Note what will happen to the nation and why. Lateran Council Overview & Types | What were the Five Lateran Councils? Also note any symbolic acts he was to perform and why. All of western Palestine, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean remains legally open to Jewish settlement under the 1922 British Mandate for Palestine and Article 80 of the UN Charter. From Morocco to Afghanistan, from the Caspian Sea to Aden, the 5.25 million square miles of territory belonging to members of the Arab League is home to over 330 million people, whereas Israel covers only eight thousand square miles, and is home to seven million citizens, one-fifth of whom are Arabs. 142-129 B.C.E. But I will chasten you justly and will by no means leave you unpunished (Jer 30.11). So, in returning, Judah held the royal symbol of kingship in Jerusalem until Christ came. 1012 BC Saul unifies the 12 Hebrew tribes into the United Kingdom of Israel. 0000008410 00000 n Philippians The people remaining in the land are taken into captivity (verse 6). The Hebrew term Aliyah describes the relatively recent massive influx of Jews to their ancestral land, Israel. Note what Ezekiel is called to do and how he is to do it. The Council of Constance was held in 1414, where all the popes who claimed the papacy were told they would either be forced out of office or would need to resign. Israel captured the Sinai Peninsula, but after international condemnation, Israel was forced to withdraw. // The Kingdoms of Israel and Judah at a Glance Putting their trust in Western Civilization was never again going to be enough. It was a profoundly moving sight, for it was the sovereign independence represented by that flag which guarantees that the obscenity of genocide which killed six million people in Auschwitz and camps like it will never again befall the Jewish people, to whom the rest of civilization owes so much. He said to me: It is done. Would they have been given the gift of immortality as a reward? 1. So the restoration of Israel will be a sign or witness to the nations that the God of Israel, the God of the Bible, the only true God, loves mankind. As King David exclaimed: Who is like Your people Israel, the one nation on the earth whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people, to make a name for Himself (2 Sam 7.23).