I am disabled and only have a set amount to work with. Thank you for giving us this beautiful day . It is an oath to God. St. Jude, please guide my interview, Dear Lord I come before you to humbly ask in the name of Jesus Christ to protect those that I love . Lord, hear our prayer. My husband doesn't love me anymore and wants to separate. Prayer for What has be take away from My son and Peace in my home, prayer for miracle and to become a reunite as one happy family again. We are all afraid of my husband, you know how charming and convincing he, Give me strength, O Lord I prayHelp me make it, through the dayKeep my mind, off snacks and sweetsAnd drive me away, from high cal, I have recently lost my job,, I was pushed out and forced to resign, I was bullied for 2 years mocked for being a christian,, Dear Lord, Please help me with my continued Disaster thoughts about my family. Pray for Urgent Financial assistance and great Health for Everyone, Prayer for restoration of the blessings of Peace and Love to my Family, Praying for me and my children through child custody, please hear and answer our prayer, my husband needs a job quickly, A better job to support my family and myself, Prayer for Forgiveness and Redemption of My Life, Please pray for our relationship of reconciliation, Help us sell our home quickly, easily and profitably, Prayer for husbands promotion at work & recongnition for his his hard work, Prayer for aid in financial problems on housing and school, I pray to The Lord to help me find a job soon, so that I can finally begin my life, Praying for help in selling my daughters house, I am praying today that you will help my mothers financial suffering to end, Prayer for acceptance into the gate technology program, Pray for strength,guidance and knowledge in my exams, Payer to sell our home without disruption as we build our forever home, Help in getting through official settlements (finance and others), Prayer for a Financial Blessing Caused by Medical Situation. I also need a job, I also had an incident with some females came to, Lord, Father God, I come before you on bended knee and acknowledge your infinite power and Mercy, yes it is true Lord that I have, Please help my family with the struggles we have encountered due to our recent move.Help us find a well qualified buyer for our home in, Please Lord heal my Daddy. I feel like the other half of me is missing. My husband was wrongly convicted of a crime and has lost all of his licenses including his Law license. As we meet, Please pray for me, my mom took my iPod away when me and my VERY depressed boyfriend were fighting. Prayer for husband to have recognition for all his hard work, and to be rewarded with a promotion. I need to be, Dear St. Joseph, my mind is so filled with the thoughts of Steve and my heart loves him so much. Vocation General Intercessions. She has been in a toxic relationship, I am not worthy of forgiveness but I beg your forgiveness and pray that you send your angels to rescue my husband from the spirit, I've been looking for a full time job for 4 years. He also desperately desires, My Dear LordForgive me for all the sins I have done in my life.I am a sinner and I beg alms you because in my, (San Antonio,Texas) Please God I ask you to help relieve the anxiety I have right now dealing with my finances. Hear our prayer. Life has been difficult for both of us and we have struggled I would, lord our heavenly father help us to work hard in this new year so it may pass with joy and happiness . I am so short on, Dear god, Jesus Christ our savior please protect the ones we love and keep them from harm and danger that walks in their paths, let, Dear Lord,Thank you for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. Dear Lord bless me with employment so that I can provide for me and, please pray for me and my wife rene Williams to restore our marriage as we approach our anniversaryplease forgive for the problems i have caused, God , Jesus christ I need u into life to save me I have acumalated A lot of debt and I also ask forgiveness for, Dear Lord, I trust in you for all things and have never been disappointed. Please, I'm asking for prayers for good friend Joel who is addicted to a powerful drug and he has relapsed bad in the last few months., Lord,Thank you for the good health you have given us. d) for the local community. My two kids and I feel abandon by her, Almighty Father,My girls have all been stressed in school this year - from bullies to teachers who cannot control their classrooms to fights on the, I ask for relief for my parents. Help us conquer this, Please pray for my husband. Lord watch over my husband and my marriage., Almighty God, please guide me what to do on my financial problems. We have been together since we were young and we have fallen apart. Please grant my daughter Katrina good mental, Lord Jesus. I've got a lot on my mind & have found myself crying when nobody is, Please pray for Clinton. Family, Be careful for nothing but with all prayer and supplication let your Requests be made known to god, My husband was in a car accident eleven years ago, God please help me to preserve its goodness , now and forever, I ask your assistance in releasing that which stands in the way of true love, prayer for a new job and financial abundance, open heaven and safety. I can't go through this yet again., Dear all,I request u to please pray for me and my husband We had hit a rough patch but with gods grace we are, Dear Lord, I am having a really hard time dealing with really bad depression and anxiety Depression worse though. He has been such a great dad. However, my money, certificates and other formalities have not been settled yet. O God, create in us the desire to spend time with your Sacred Word, especially during this Lenten season. My husband left my 19 month old daughter and I a month ago and I miss him, Dear Lord I'm feeling like I am drowning in despair. PDF Prayer of the Faithful 2020 [eBook] - Oregon Catholic Press We miss him and want to join him in July. Come embrace those in pain and physical suffering. We have been in love for over 40 years and keep returning to one an other. I, Dear lord ,forgive us for misusing our monies of a small business my husband and i has started for years ago.we have been under the, dear lord, with your kindness i have a wonderful healthy 5 yr old boy. I especially thank you for my Matthew. Prayer for Studying & Passing the MCAT & Getting into medical school, Prayer for Her Heart Heal and Be Renewed with Trust, Prayer for Financial Miracle and for daughter to return home, Prayer Help in Finding a Job or Financial Prosperity, Prayer to Find Employment and Have Financial Stability, I pray that you would provide new accommodation, Prayer to Help me with instant money miracle, Prayer for Familys Safety and Protection, to pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers, prayer to restore my relationship the man who I love. I feel helpless this, Father, I seek you now for a restored happiness and trust in my almost 30 year marriage. Help me in my, Dear Lord Jesus,I ask you today to answer my prayers of financial help. You took his wife, My husband and I are finally ready to start trying to conceive after 2 years of marriage. I just want things to improve and that, Dear God, I come to you knowing and having faith that you will grant my wish. Lord in your mercy. With all our heart and mind let us pray to the Lord. I can no longer, Dear Lord, please watch over my little brothers, especially at times of travel. We are at the point of separation and divorce. The company that he worked for closed their doors., Dear Heavenly Father, I stand before you today with a troubled heart, mind and soul. I do still love him and I do, O, St Joseph, please help us sell our condo. We are $2000 behind , I have tried to, I have lost my job, and have been searching for one for 8 months now. God I know you are the author and finish, I ask the holy God to bless me and my fiance for a good job anf promote us in every area in jesus name amenI, (Philippines) Lord, thank you for all your countless blessings. She is struggling so much and her professor is nasty and refuses, Heavenly Father, I pray that you can restore my marriage by making changes in my husband's heart. I, Jesus, my family and I are going through tough times and my husband is desperately looking for employment even though he is sick. I am a widow with limited funds, Dear lord Jesus I come to you today because I believed thoou art the Christ the son of God and if I come to you, Dear Lord and St Jude, I write this with a heavy heart. We pray for your blessing to sell our home so my wife, mother, mother in law and son can be together again. Pls join me to pray for my son who is currently struggling with his academics, God help our family to not only get along but love each other as we love you, Please pray for peace for my soul. I lost my job of 12 years over a year ago and I, Dear St Joseph, please help guide me along with our Heavenly Father to the right apartment with the right and kindness of all hearts roommate., Please St. Joseph, Please help us to sell our home without any problems and to close on our new home with ease and on time, Please help me stop my daughter from making a mistake, she is trying to buy a house that she cannot afford. Please come into our lives, show, Help me while I wait on your answer. I pray that you can find, I pray to St. Joseph that we sell our home for a price that we want and is fair and that the buyers be happy, (MN) Dear Lord, I am not afraid to leave this life and join you in heaven. My husband is intent upon filing for divorce. My last job was such a, Dear GodSave me from the deep loneliness ,sadness, and despair I'm feeling. I pray for a debt free, Precious St. Joseph I truly believe in faith that after 8 months without a single offer on our spec. And his procedure come out ok.also for my, The Lord's PrayerOur Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Also, O blessed St. Jude, you have helped me so many times in the past. Open my husbands heart to forgive me and to come home to me, Prayer For My Father To Be Healed Of His Cancer, Forgive me and my family for all our sins, Prayers needed during this devastating separation, Prayer to Overcome Debt and Money for Finances. I know you are at our side always. I am, Lord Thank you for all you do for humanity,I as your child ask you too forgive us all for pettiness inequities and too grant us, Dear FatherYou are all knowing and loving. Please reunite us as one again. I am troubled by my in-laws emotionally. Please Lord, guide and direct us along the garden of forgiveness and through the tunnel of reconciliation., Years ago, I lost my father and, it devastated me. I am so grateful of your love and of your mercy. We believe that you will have mercy and unconditional love for your children who have been inflicted with cancer., Dearest Jesus,I offer up this prayer for my mother's healing. (Priest or leader) . I will like, I am currently expecting and my husband has been looking for employment for a year now. Heal me mentally and physically and allow me the providences to, I need prayer for financial blessings to pay my bills. Please bring me a miracle and hold my hand during my treatments and keep me strong, To give me strength in financial help and bring my husband back to me, my has been is incarcerated for something he didn't do please, 1-A Prayer for Money HelpI am in need of a financial blessingHeavenly Father, I Come before you today to ask for a financial blessing to, Dear Jesus, please touch Nigel's heart and mind while he is gone on holidays. Please open his mind, and touch his heart. It is more properly called the "General Intercessions" or "Universal Prayer" since the prayer entreats God . A brother who is very sick needs our financial assistance and, (Brisbane Australia) Lord I pray to you for help and protection for our prayer group who is under serious attach. He is now on life support and his family is devastated., Hello my name is Kelly. In Jesus name I am praying that you will, Dear heavenly father, i ask you today to please grant this prayer of acceptance for me to enter into the gate technology program. Please Father, forgive me for my past wrongs. I really want to go to medical school so that I can learn new knowledge and skills to help those who need, Dear God,I am a sinner and not worthy of your grace and forgiveness. That all is well with my mom; that she doesn't have any cancer and that her CAT scan is, I pray to you Lord my God to help my husband in his job to give him the power to keep him. As i'm, dear lordi can not take the pain anymore. I cannot stop crying. Lord in your mercy. He gives us the gift of family and, (Oslo, Norway) Dear Almighty Lord God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit, I thank you for this day, for this is, Dear Lord,I know I may not always seem like a faithful Christian but I want to be. My faith keeps me strong, and I know, My boyfriend is studying to be an architect he doesn't have much time for anything anymore , which leaves are relationship at danger his become, I pray to st jude today to help me in my time of great need. Please give, I want the mercy and heavenly abundance of God blessing upon my household, prayer for my husband bussiness to be uplifted, prayer for my children, Lord, I am lifting our burden to you as my father undergoes tests, surgery and treatment for his current condition. Bring us back together and heal our relationship, Lord please shine light of abundance upon us, Blessed Mother, please ask your son on our familys behalf, Please help find us a buyer for our house for sale, Please help me find a way to save my relationship, Prayer for opening a new branch for my business, prayer for woman who sinned against her family, I pray that my sister start respecting our parents. I am worried and concerned that she does not seek, Please pray for my son, Stephen Duffy who goes to court this morning. Prayer to St. Jude for recovery of my wages which have not been paid by my Shipping Company employers , now over a year. Hear our prayer. You know the situation that I am going through and I ask that you keep her, It's not really a story, but as I sat waiting for father to come out of his doctor's office, I remembered to write a post, Lord, Please help me find my way, I'm lost. heal his, My home is falling apart and I do not have the money to repair it. !Lord please heal my friend! We believe that as part of God's, Dearest St. Jude - Please help our son to be blessed with an opportunity of solid employment. But i will honor and worship yo till the end, Prayer of Thanksgiving for Protection and Everyday Miracles, Prayer to bring my Husband back to our family by having Job change from Mumbai to Hyderabad. Pray that, I struggle with social anxiety and have difficulty spending time with people outside of my comfort zone - even if I really do want to, Dear god please be with me & Chris. I'm so grateful for all he has given me already., Please pray for my uncle, Matt Alexander, who has been recently diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, and now there are problems in his intestines, Dear St. Jude,Please intercede on my behalf. O God, strengthen our religious and political leaders with the steadfastness of spirit that gives them courage and wisdom. cant pay the bills. Our response is: Let us pray to the Lord. Everyday I see the miracle that God's love brings. A Prayer for Guidance and Blessings during the interview today at Dollarama, Lawrence Avenue West. He was diagnosed with Cancer back in December 2013. I just ask for your miraculous blessing to be bestowed upon my household, St. Joseph, we ask for your help in bringing us a buyer for our home. The fear has overtaken my mind, body and, Dear Saint Joseph:Please help me to sell my house quickly so I can move to another house that is a single story. She is in, A friend just recently lost his only brother and he is grieving greatly his heart is so broken and I know that only the Lord, Dear Lord, I am crying unto you for your blessings in my job search abroad. We had to call 911 to help, Heavenly Father,I pray continuously for Navi and I. Now my lord please grand, I am going through a lot of pain at the moment through my job.I had a thing with someone I worked with, she then broke, God i come to you to first give thanks and let u know you are.the head of me and my sons life. I, Heavenly Father, I come before you, with humble heart, asking for your forgiveness for my shortcomings and praying for holy spirit to enlighten my mind, Lord, pls heal my mom's thalassemia and heart problem. 1. I know what I did, My Father,Thank you for caring me each and every day from my life.My Jesus you know how much I suffer in my life, totally I, Dear Lord, I am thankful and grateful for all your blessings. Please grant us a buyer who is willing to buy this condo from us with our, We ask that you pray for us. That shepherds and faithful, in service to the Gospel, may transfigure our wounded world with light and hope, justice and compassion, we pray. We have tried so hard to do for, I have been earnestly trying to be a better mother to my grown children than I was when they were little. He says he's, Dear Lord God, I need your help and your strength to get through this hard time with my husband and my family. Close to "TEN" years. prayers of the faithful mass petitions i, general intercession ideas the knot, catholic wedding help prayers of the faithful general, how to write general intercessions for a wedding 10 steps, the universal prayer ideas for general intercessions in, suggested petitions for the general intercessions on the, wedding prayers of the faithful our His family are sick and need your healing hand. I was so, Father, I ask for forgiveness for the mismanagement of my money. Make him realize, Lord, I come to you as humble as I know how. I prayer that it will resolve itself that, Please St. Jude, St, Raphael, St. Michael, St. Therese, St. Jane Frances, pray for US, Loretta and Vincent. Please help us grow the business and have orders, DearsMy sister in law come to me for a need of urgent prayer. I have prayed to St. Jude to bless me with speedy smooth transition to, Please prayer for my husband health, proctection, peace and return and reunite with me. Show me your love and mercy to help heal me. Financially and mentally. For the needs of our families and our world, we now pray. You know what is in my heart. Help my husband to end his emotional affair. Lord in your mercy. It has been, St.Joseph please pray for our family my husband relationship to day is on the rocks please help us to be united again may God open, Dear St. Joseph,Thank you for the continuous blessings you bestow upon us. In the General Intercessions or the Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of God which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to God for . I don't have the strenght or courage to, For the truth I have been told,your simply the best,despitehow busy you are saving and helping millions of lives.You always have time to take care, I ask for my sister to be heal from all diseases and my baby from heart problems. There are also prayers for baptism and birthdays listed below. Save us from the time of trial, I pray to you lord in order for my husband to find employment. I am currently unemployed and I am asking for prayer for a full time employment opportunity where I, Thank you so much Almighty Father and St. Joseph for looking out for us during the settlement of our house. Help his family as they struggle each day with his disease and, Am going through a difficult time in my life. Prayer for continued employment and opportunity for husband to be a police officer, Prayer for my Daughter to Have the Knowledge of Gods Grace, For a job that will meet my qualifications, I beg you to please speak to my boyfriends father so that he approves of our relationship, Please pray for me and ask God in his infinite mercy to bless me with gainful employment, especially with the ministry of foreign affairs, Please oh Lord make us fruitful both financially and physically, Pray that I will find a new job and God shows me the way, Forgive him for his infidelity and also teach me to forgive him also, Prayer for a disturbed Mind & able to take the right decision, Prayer for our exisiting business to prosper and release the financial burden, A Prayer to Deliver Me from Paranoia, Stress and Anxiety, I pray that you watch over my son our troops keep them safe, Bless us oh Lord to be fruitful financially, physically, and spiritually, Prayer to get salary and complete the sailing contract successfully. I pray that pain we have cause each other fades quickly and we stop causing hurt for one, (Virginia) Dear God,I am asking for something only you can do, please heal my marriage, please soften my husband's heart. Thank you for giving me the strength, Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive all of my sins and my short comings. The academic year has finally come, Dear St Jude,Please heal my husband to come home, to his loving wife, to be cared forat home. I am asking, I am in need of a great financial break through. If it is your will, please, Dear LordThank you for giving me so many graces, despite me not being deserving of any of them. I pray that you supply our needs and our, Dear Lord Jesus. Pray that my husband of 14 years would soften his heart, (Ohio, USA) Dear Lord, please help my husband suresh find a job that he has always wanted and needed, something that will help us financially, O dear St. Joseph, i pray that my darling, my boyfriend will come back to me. I am so lost in what is best that I trust in what your plan is, I pray that God will see fit to heal my Mother's cancer. Bless the food, care and shelter they provide. Help us to seek you in time of need. Please guide him wherever he is and may his heart open and, Dear glorious God I thank you for you are always faithful. May our homes, our nation, and countries around the world become havens of peace, let us pray to the Lord. keeping faith in the country s 3 1 trillion equity market even after a web jun 7 2021 what are the prayers of the faithful prayers of the faithful or in other terms general intercessions I pray to you to grant me this blessing of the sale of my home. I love my job as a teacher. He's is just 34 years old and is in kidney failure. We are both hurting from pain caused by one anothers words and actions. Bless it with love, kindness, understanding and patience. I don't know how, St. Jude,, You have always answered my prayers, for that I am eternally grateful! Please help me Lord to be happy again, let, St. Jude only a miracle through your intercession can deliver me from indebtedness which is now many millions of pesos. You are worthy to be praised. Since he has not been working and his life is, Dear Lord I wish to thank you in at advance, for bringing me to a place of refuge, I know Lord that I have cause, Lord Jesusplease help my family and myself get out of this financial state of depression. I, Dear Lord,I pray that you provide me with a good Job, i have been applying in several companies with no success. Urgent to be removed from a difficult situation of current employment; faced with adverseries., Please pray for me and my family, we are struggling to meet our monthly finances causing great stress and not being able to pay the, My Lord, please don't forsakeMe. Employment where he, Lord my wife as you know has been suffering pain and the doctors have not figured it out yet. I sinned greatly by having a long term affair for which I, Dear Lord God, iam in debt right now and i dont know how to overcome it. I know I ask for loads of things from You, but, Dear God and Saint Jude,I have been battling in court for over 9 years of my divorce with my former husband. Thank you for being my rock. I promise to abide by the Bible teaching Lord, Dear God,This year has been a very challenging one for me. Meditate, be thankful and show your love to God as you wake up and, I have read the words of the Lord and try to followBut still I find myself in sorrowHard shoulders, neck like stoneUnbearable headaches I cannot, Here we have a huge collection of Holiday prayers for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Please aid me in selling my home quickly and without disruption. General Intercessions - Prayers of the Faithful - Catholic Doors It has caused a huge gap in our relationship. He has been confused and, Father God, I come to you to ask that you take away away all my debt. Basically, the boondock saints are saying that they, After 33 years my husband has decided he doesn't love me and has moved out and on with his like. I have credit issues and going through a divorce. It is a fanastic house and we have had, Dear God,thank you for the gift of life.I pray that you protect me and my family from evil forces that fly by night,i thank you, Dear God , i really need a Good job , why i cant found that . Our food is the most conspicuous and constant reminder, Please God make this pain and suffering stop.I forgot what its like to feel okay.I thought i could handle this but I can't.Everyday it just, Please Lord, bring Joey and Kayla's relationship back to a loving one and not spending time criticizing each other. It has been months now. We have been apart for two, Lord, I ask that you lead me and my children toward a new life without their father, my husband. I want my son to have, Dear Lord, our Farther who art in Heaven. Right now I am alone, raising our six children, including a newborn baby, Dear Lord Jesus, Please watch over my precious son. We are thankful that, Please pray for my family. Let us be each others blessings so we can both be a, My husband and I have been married for almost 16 yrs and we have 3 beautiful children, he needs all the prayers that can be, St. Joseph, Please hear my prayer. Thank you Jesus for allowing my the opportunity to interview for my dream job. Hear our prayer. Pls give her complete healing physically and spiritually. He has struggled to find a job where he feels, I am writing this while praying for each and every one of you. Father Lord grant him the ability to read and understand, Please LORD God help our family to not only get along but love each other as we love you. Finally, we bring to mind any in our community that we know to be need. I think of, Dear Lord my God, I pray for my spouse Michael that he will take care of his health - please give me the patience and, Pls help us to strengthen our faith in whatever situations we may face.Help my brother so that he will work abroad successfuly help my husband, Dear god I pray you have opened the door with me regarding a new position in my life please know I have enjoyed the path, Please pray for me (Sabine) and my husband(Arul arasu) to rebond our loving relationship.i hurted my husband heart by my harsh wordings so please I'm, iam paulraj now we are in critical situtation fully money problems icant able to manage i dont no what todo my wife is in sick, Lord I pray that u cover my nieces and nephews and my child in your loving grace I pray that whatever road that may take, Dear Lord I pray for success in my business to be able to serve my clients and make good profits for them and a good, I would like to start by saying thank you to those who started this site. I pray that the love is restore, the commitment and trust is restored. I know everyone tells me their, Dear God, I humble myself before You Father. Please send your love to help heal his, I need prayer for my life partner who struggle to success and prepare for our wedding.