Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Juno in second house also suggests that your self-esteem gets a boost after you get married. There is potential for this to be a lifetime soul contract. You can be overly perfectionist, chasing the perfect marriage and partner, what does not exist. Medea Conjunct the Vertex This is a karmic union to repay past life debts to each other. because i am old , seriously disabled ,chronically sick and subject to conniption fits. In the end, the Lilith person is more likely to feel unfulfilled. 2. The rest: Mars Conjunct Vesta Conjunct Ceres Conjunct the North Node. 3. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. VertexJuno. They dont have healthy emotional boundaries. Eros conjunct Psyche (In taurus and in Capricorn) The taurus conj. This placement can indicate living in the public eye after marriage. Eris conj. Eris synastry - Lindaland You are often blocked initially from materializing this object. Mars can go either way. Venus sextile Juno isnt instant, but its a positive aspect to have in a long-term relationship. When I refer to your previous articles, I noticed I have the following aspect in synastry with him. Eros in the fifth house: Eros' desire is shining in the fifth house, as the fifth house relates to expression and sex! You want to feel appreciated by your spouse, and you also love it when they can inspire you. Juno in first house suggests that your freedom and independence is important for you in a relationship. Was I ever really in love with him? This pairing can form a deep emotional bond, especially through physical intimacy. If they are conjunct in synastry, a soul mate connection is indicated. You want to be able to travel the world with your partner and discuss fascinating topics. My vertex also conjunct his sun. im too old and disabled to love him any other way.. even if , it could be. Plus her Valentine and Pluto are conjuncg exact my descendant. The Neptune conjunct Juno synastry relationship can be very romantic, but it can also be delusional. I would really have to do a professional chart for you,D xxx, The antivertex is what YOU bring to the world, so you could bring this to another person. This is a very dynamic aspect. I am very honest and this aspect may make for you to have a lot of betrayal but it has to be close 1-2 degrees. Double whammy Sun conjunct ASC I said there was love but love can be affection, platonic love or romantic love. We will always have some difficult aspects with the person who we choose to be with long-term. Your vertex aspects are very nice, too. You can learn more about the mythological background of Juno here. We have so many asteroid aspects on top of the couple of amazing vertex conjunctions to name a few: my Ceres and Sappho conjunct by 1^ to her vertex, and her Isis and Sappho conjunct by <1^ to my Sun. At the same time, there are more important features in the natal chart that influence your love life, such as Venus, the Moon, but also the asteroid Juno. The negative side of Juno in Pisces is being too passive and trying to emotionally pressure your partner. Can you make the question simpler as to whose chart touches whose? The Valentine person brings sacrificial love to the vertex person. In astrology, Juno is connected with marriage and what you look for in your ideal spouse. He brings you a pure kind of love and/or something aesthetic, but we need the whole chart to see if it is sexual or even emotionally connected. With Pluto square Juno in synastry, there is a tendency for one person to control the other. 8. Ceres conjunct the Vertex So i cooled down a bit and listened to your advice, thank you Ami! My Venus and Vertex are both in Cancer and they conjunct my friends Ceres in house 8. In this article, you can learn about the asteroid Juno. I think she was just talking, Tony. Finding the position of the Asteroids in the horoscope: . Eros in Synastry - Philosophy & Astrology However, Juno in conjunction or harmonious aspects can be a good sign if you want to get married. According to the myth, Hera took revenge for the betrayal of his husband by killing his lovers. Oh My Lord. This is a wonderful aspect. Is this love or something aesthetic like art /music? When working with asteroids, you should use a very tight orb. Both people will grow and learn through this marriage and it happens for a reason. 3. That Eros and Juno going over his Libran stellium will be interesting., and opp my Aries stellium too. Here are the interpretations of Juno in aspect to the planets. Thanks so much! Discovered on the 1st September, 1804, Juno is one of the largest asteroids in the Solar System. Hope youre well, and THANK YOU! Ixiion is lawlessness. My vertex is 5 degrees from both our Amors in Taurus. Some asteroids, like Juno and Ceres are more frequently used and they are generally considered more important. When it is in contact with someone's Juno, your ideals of the perfect spouse overlap. Your communication skills often improve after you get married, but hard aspects can bring misunderstandings. Yes, tha fits. Marrying a person who is tongue-tied might be a bad idea with Juno in Gemini. Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. IP: Logged. The Ascendant person may come to resent the fact that the Juno person does not embody more qualities of their Descendant over time, unless the Juno person has these qualities in the rest of their chart. There must a willingness from both parties to resolve these differences. These two areas will be at odds with each other. The Neptune trine Juno synastry aspect means that the partners will be sensitive and empathetic. Aphophis Conjunct the Vertex and im not interested in cake. He deserved it. It is difficult for people in this relationship to see the truth. What about in synastry? You are also generous to your mate. First, great writings here! He will bring you raw sexuality. Your partner is often drawn to art and they often make art themselves, too. and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! 9.Eros Conjunct the NN. Could you help me find some insight in these aspects? Sexuality is essential for Juno in Scorpio. Most astrologers dont consider asteroids to be the most important part in synastry, except if they are particularly emphasized. Aphophis is a powerhouse of chaos, confusion and destruction, most of all. In reality, the needs and agendas of both partners may not match up in some ways, although they probably wear rose-colored glasses at first. If one betrays Medea, she will cut up your grandmother and send her to you in a suitcase. Eros represents our passionate and erotic energy and how we use it. My Venus trine his Pluto and Saturn Hi my dearAmi! The story of Eros and Psyche is one of deep and transformative love, but their union was not devoid of hardship. What about AC conjunct Vertex + DC conjunct Vertex..? Moon conjunct Juno in synastry shows a lot of emotional intelligence! With the Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect, the Venus person seems to be exactly what the Juno person needs when they first meet. This means that youre using both of your charts and looking at the aspectsbetween them. This placement can also suggest marrying the wrong person, someone who hinders you in life. His anti-vertex conjunct my psyche in 4th house? I am not sure if people do but I dont. Its a great aspect right off the bat! Both parties will need to learn how the other thinks and operates in a logical sense. Soulmates | PlutonicDesire But, any way, the dates are, if you like just a little to have a look: Besides the role of Juno in synastry, it also has a lot to do with commitment and relationships in the natal chart. Typically, the Pluto person has some control over the Juno person, but not always (the roles are sometimes reversed depending on the sign Juno is in). But the Eros conj. Hello, This is a very auspicious aspect for a long term relationship, because the Juno person will be so compatible with and understanding of the moon persons emotions. This is a harmonious relationship in these areas and the Juno person will not be off-put by the past life values that the South Node person shows. You would need to see so much more to make a decision, my Friend. "I want to welcome you to my website. You have a tendency to fall in love with people who re not available, and you have to keep your relationship secret. Juno in Libra sees marriage as partnership and union. My Mars trine his Pluto and Saturn Juno opposition South Node in synastry will push the South Node person to grow. Hello, this is excelent. The Juno conjunct Lilith aspect in synastry will fulfill the Lilith persons deepest, darkest desires. Look to your North Node sign and house for more information on that. Juno in twelfth house sometimes falls in love with people who need help., and get married to someone who easily gets lost in life. Thanks so much, Hello, And how about Vertex conjunct Psyche? Narcissus & Echo In Synastry - Mystic Medusa Astrology There is the potential to take things to another realm when the aspects are favorable. With both Chiron opposition Juno and Chiron square Juno in synastry, the relationship will trigger the Chironic wound of one or both people. However he is comfortable mistreating you like it is something familiar to him and maybe you too. Sorry for bothering! Working on your self-esteem and learning to love yourself can be helpful in overcoming this placement in the natal chart. Hi so Im still havent found much info on vertex conjunct ascendant double whammy. For example, people with the Venus square Juno aspect are often attracted to partners who are inappropriate or immature, even though they may want a family and someone stable. Jupiter conjunct Juno in synastry is a wonderful aspect for a long, loving relationship (if the entire chart supports this). The Isis person may save the life of the Vertex person, even. With this placement, you seek a mystical experience and unconditional love. Libra wants harmony and balance, and the same is true for Juno in Libra. Juno also has to deal with the conflicts in the relationship, and also with inequality and power abuse. YES, find his birth time if you can. Valentine in Synastry - Philosophy & Astrology I am a newbie in astrology and I am really glad I found your site. The Juno person is strongly attracted to the Venus person, often immediately. It can also mean that the marriage is paying off a karmic debt (that the partners created together in a past life), or that the marriage is one society approves of. It means so much to me and Welcome! When Aphrodite was You are each others teacher with this placement of Juno in the natal chart. I call some of these asteroids, such as Sedna surgical strikes. This placement indicates a deep need for marriage and commitment. on February 24, 2011 at 1:11 pm | Reply IAM. I will ask you for a professional reading of our synastry, but before I would like to know his birthtime, which I dont. danville jail mugshots; marlin 1898 stock; 39 miles hunan impression . YOU are the most important person to me. This aspect can support communication, but it can also indicate strife and arguments, if it receives hard aspects. Juno Pallas and Juno conjunct in the synastry chart You can both work together to fuse commitment with ambition. These two needs will oppose each other. The Mercury trine Juno aspect makes it really easy to get along and talk about the big topics. Eros thrills, scares and creates intense bonds. Eros: Synastry Aspects - High Fantasy Trash Make sure to share it with your friends who enjoy learning astrology! Eros in Synastry seems appropriate to discuss for this time of year. Juno - my true love and spouse - Part I. - Amazing Astrology A conjunction is the strongest, but most aspects indicate some type of marriage. Synastry is the study of how two people's astrological charts interact with one another. With the Venus trine Juno synastry aspect, the Venus person has qualities that are attractive to the Juno person, but also possesses qualities that can give the Juno person the longterm relationship they need. Juno sextile South Node is almost karmic in nature; both people will learn to grow through this marriage or relationship. You may be fated to marry. Most potent are Eros-Venus, Eros-Ascendant, Eros-Psyche, and Eros-Mars links. Eris and the South Node | jbuss Astrology This aspect suggests that you have similar beliefs and see life in a similar way. This can be either through restrictions (personal, societal, etc.) In my natal chart also i have nesus conjunct with my vertex. Juno in Synastry | Astrology Expressed If youre in a Neptune conjunct Juno relationship, be careful to not idealize your partner. This relationship will help both people grow, shine, and change. Hence, the Ixiion person would, likely, do something amoral or immoral to you. Sexual Synastry - Astrology 42 and asteroids are fun. now we are both married but I still love him madly and insanely and he has just understood this feeling of mine and he has fallen in love with me tooReaching each other is very dreamy and full of suffering and hardship as if we have known each other for thousands of years. It is used to understand the dynamics of a relationship and the potential challenges or strengths it may. <3. Trust me on my female intuition. Natal Sun-Uranus Connections. With Saturn conjunct Juno in synastry, the relationship is karmic. This Juno trine Lilith relationship will fulfill some of the Liliths persons desires, although this is more of a nice extra in the relationship and will not be a dominant aspect of the relationship. There is also an opportunity for a great passion with Pluto sextile Juno in synastry. The relationship is very soft and loving. Your spouse can be aggressive and selfish with challenging aspects to your Juno in Aries. This is a really life altering aspect! his Juno conjuncts my Sun What about chiron conjuct vertex in synastry? Eros and Psyche have a grand love story in mythology, so having an Eros-Psyche connection with someone can show a big love that goes beyond just sex. They show you energize and support each other. 5. Ceres square Juno is a difficult aspect, but it is possible to work through it if the partners are willing to learn exactly how the other needs to be nurtured. Sounds super interesting, Tony. My Moon square his Mercury With the Jupiter square Juno synastry aspect, there is a complete clash between the types of values that the partners have, especially when it comes to a relationship. There is also an opportunity for each person to uncover their shadow sides in this relationship. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. and pluto but i have that with everyone my age i'm pretty sure so i don't consider it. Juno trine Juno in synastry means that you value similar qualities in a relationship and in marriage. Juno sextile North Node indicates an opportunity to grow through marriage and for the North Node person to learn their lessons through the relationship. There can be a lot of aggression in this relationship in the form of hot-tempered arguments. In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. His Chiron conjunct my Valentine This is a new age relationship. It is important for you to find a partner who prioritizes family life to worldly success. Your values behind commitment and your spiritual purpose are at odds with each other. I would call this a surgical strike. You appreciate luxuries and comfort, and you want a partner who will give you them. There will need to be a meeting in the middle for the relationship to flourish. Im in pain, confused as to what to do with someone with such great attraction and major vertex aspects. My Neptune is in Scorpio so it wasnt pretty. Both people want the same things in a marriage and have the same values. google mountain view charge cash app; wect news bladen county; eros conjunct juno synastry; eros conjunct juno synastry. In the Solar System, Juno takes place between Mars and Jupiter. The vertex shows that which other people will bring to you. We are mesmerized, enchanted, and even obsessed with this person. These people typically have a lot of drive and might have a passionate sex life. Juno is often strongly placed in synastry charts of married couples. This is a very beneficial relationship for both people! The sexual passion might refuel both partners when there is tension in other areas of the relationship. What about Union(r) conjunct Vertex in synastry? Thank you so much for your kind words on my writing. Look to the signs involved in this Venus square Juno aspect in order to see what qualities you specifically need. The vertex is what people bring to YOU,so not really applicable here. The Mars opposition Juno synastry aspect in a relationship can become a tug of war instead of a romance. thanks so much , You feel a real connection but it has an explosive kind of crazy feeling to it. There is someone ; my 8 th house vertex conjunct his 9th house valentine in synastry is it means I will fall in love with him platonicly, is it effects him as much as it effects me , because m so confused about his feelings, he is giving me complicated signals, Also my eros conjunct his 7 th house north node, my sun conjunct his moon, we have a moon trine north node DW , my pholus conjunct his mars also my moon conjunct his lilith , my juno conjunct his ceres, his juno trine my venus , his juno sextile my juno It was perfect. If you have the Mars sextile Juno synastry aspect in a relationship, there is an opportunity to generate a good deal of passion, if you choose to put the energy in. IP: Logged. Eleni, This would take me forever but vertex trine vertex is not the way to use the vertex. Nothing will be the same, but its all for the best of both people. You may both feel that the other is selfish in the relationship and will need to work through ego issues. These people may wish to be the best sexual partner you've had, and to leave a lasting memory in your sheets. This can create a spark, or it can cause the relationship to slowly deteriorate as both people feel that their needs are not being filled. When it is in contact with someones Juno, your ideals of the perfect spouse overlap. I am not sure about the N Node but if someones Neptune conjuncted my N Node I would run. When someone's planet touches our natal Eros in synastry, it is as if we have been stuck by Cupid's arrow. Juno conjunct the Vertex Juno is love, loyalty and devotion. When it comes to the aspects your partners planets form to Juno in synastry, the conjunction is the most powerful. Ahh, no wonder. That spells deception and lack of clarity as the theme in the relationship especially if the moon is there too. With the Mercury conjunct Juno synastry aspect, the Mercury person has great mental capacity and thinks/communicates in a way that fits perfectly with the kind of relationship the Juno person needs. and married to a woman the same degree of aries sun i will adore him til the end of my days. With Ceres opposition Juno in synastry, the Juno person attempts to nurture the Ceres person is a way completely opposite of what the Ceres person actually needs. But I prefer to be brief he is an amazing man in my life from the past with whom I have ten aspects in common in Vertex! Pallas person can be focused and assertive, helping Juno person to stretch outside of their comfort zone and find personal or professional success. Go to, choose extended chart selection the option, and add the asteroid Juno or the number 3 to the additional objects. The erotic, lusty connection between you can produce conflicts. You are most welcome, Line. With the moon square Juno synastry aspect, the moon persons emotions will clash with what the Juno person is looking for in a relationship.